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Name - What is Religion in Zeta's name?

Religion in Zeta

Overall Description

O Creator above. I am graced by your Vision, strengthened by your Elements, defended by your Forms, emboldened by your Soul, and blessed by your Life. Give me strength to conquer tomorrow, and all days beyond.

– Traditional human prayer

Nearly all sentient beings in Zeta are aware of the existence of The Creator on at least a subconscious level, due to her direct influence on the memories of all her creations. As a result, all "religions" are simply varying interpretations of Creator-related lore.

Although the existence of the Creator is a near-universally accepted fact, the degree to which she is worshiped or even acknowledged varies widely across cultures.

Common Knowledge

Facts all beings know as a result of the Creator's direct influence:

  • She is female, or the species's closest approximation thereof.

  • She created all of Zeta and may shape it to her will.

  • There is only one Creator, rather than a pantheon of gods.

  • She lives "outside" of Zeta in some capacity.

Common teachings across many species, but not all:

  • She has five Divine Powers that enable her to carry out her role and set her far above her creations.

  • The Power of Vision grants her complete omniscience, and she sees and understands all that happens in Zeta at any given time. (This is not actually true.)

Points that are true, but widely unknown:

  • She is human.

  • She is a young adult.

  • She is mortal.

  • Killing the Creator will allow one to take her position.

  • She does not have full control over her magic.

  • She may enter and leave Zeta at will.

Imitations of the Divine Powers

Across most cultures, treading on the Creator's responsibilities is seen as morally wrong or even blasphemous. The most ubiquitous example is Artificial Soul Creation, though some apply the concept in less obvious ways. For example, using Soul Alteration to be able to cast with many different types of Elemental Energy may be seen as blasphemy to the Power of Elements.

Influence on Language

In Terran, the Creator is sometimes referred to as "the lady above," or occasionally just "the lady." In the Old Age dialect, "thank the Creator's blessings" is a common saying.

The Afterlife

While The Hereafter is a physical place with its own rules, knowledge of its details is a closely-guarded secret. Everyone has their own theories, but very few of them get close enough to the mark to be notable.

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