info Overview
Name - What is Spot’s full name?


Role - What is Spot’s role in your story?

Glory-Hound Leader of the Brigade

Age - How old is Spot?


Gender - What is Spot’s gender?






face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Spot?


Weight - How much does Spot weigh?

61 lbs.

Style of Dress


Full Physical Description

Spot is a dalmatian. Aside from the large patch around his right eye, most of his spots are on his body rather than his face. Clothes make him uncomfortable, especially collars, so he goes without unless he needs goggles for a particularly dangerous flight.

In his Release Form, Spot transforms into a vicious reptilian raptor ten times his normal size. His fur turns to thick white scales with black stripes crossing his back, from the top of his long neck to the end of his muscular tail. Powerful claws sprout from his feet and his teeth narrow into needlelike points, all coated in a black armor-like substance that makes them nearly unbreakable. Sitting on his head is a rounded gem-like horn that glows with excess Light Magic as it escapes his body.

fingerprint Personality

Glory, flying really really fast


Being treated like a dog, kids, animal puns, fizzy drinks

Fears and Phobias

Hurting those close to him

Hobbies and Interests

Movies about swashbuckling adventure heroes, stunt flying



Full Personality Description

Spot is excitable and adventurous, and he loves being in the spotlight. He's out to prove that he can be just as strong and smart as any human, and finds it annoying when people treat him like a dog (though he'll sometimes grudgingly accept a good scratch behind the ears). He acts confident in everything he does, and will drop everything to defend his friends, but his energy can sometimes come across as naivety instead. He'll put on a smile even when he's miserable inside, just for the sake of his loved ones.

pan_tool Abilities
Specific Techniques and Other Powers


Prowess and Style

Spot takes full advantage of his flight to zip around the battlefield at high speeds, staying just out of reach of as many attacks as possible. He uses his light magic in concentrated beams, though he sometimes has trouble aiming when flying especially fast. If precision or close range attacks are necessary, he uses his teeth.

account_circle Life
Job - What job does Spot have?

Leader of the Brigade

Realm of Origin

Current Residence

Languages Spoken (Fluent)


Spot was once a normal stray dog living day-to-day, until he found the Brigade Relic buried in the ground and was granted human levels of intelligence and the ability to fly. Soon, he gathered other stray animals together and had them go through the Relic as well. After watching the humans struggle with their own problems, Spot decided they should use their powers to help, and the group ventured into Aston calling themselves the Brigade.

The first major problem Spot and his team were tasked with was their dragon problem: Viruno was tormenting the town. He and the Brigade fought several times, each wounding the other but not inflicting any serious injuries. Until one day, Spot found Viruno trying to steal the Relic out from under the team's noses.

In the resulting fight, Spot awoke to his Light Magic; unlike his flight, he always had this ability, but had never realized it. With his newfound magic, he chased Viruno into the nearby forest, where the dragon shared his tragic story in halting Terran. Despite everything, Viruno and the Brigade were able to set aside their differences and now consider each other tenuous friends.

Another dramatic shift in Spot's life came at the rise of the Soul Guardians. In a bid for glory and to protect his team from such fierce danger, Spot tried to fight them alone, and this culminated in Spot's Awakening.

Ever since that day, Spot has sworn to work against the Soul Guardians, and has now brought the entire Brigade into the fight against them.

edit Notes
help_outline Q&A
How quick are you to trust someone else?

"That depends, do they look trustworthy? I didn't think too much of Viruno at first, but he's a big hulking monster who was destroying the town!"

How do you feel about children?

"They're kinda annoying sometimes, honestly! Always wanting to grab at me with their little hands."

What do you find repulsive or disgusting?

"Every time I see another dog rolling in the mud, or uh, something else, I want to throw up!"

What is one of the most primary things you feel that is missing from your life?

"Hmm. Probably Angel, I miss her a lot. I know it was my fault she ran away, but I really want to make it up to her."

How do you deal with physical pain?

"Shrug it off. I can't show weakness or people'll think I'm not up to the task."

How do you see your own value compared to other people?

"Come on, everyone's got equal value. I mean, I'm a Chosen One and all, and really fast, and I can fly, and I look cool... but okay, maybe I'm a little more valuable. But just a little!"

Are you a skilled liar?

"I used to think I was, but Spike told me I'm 'pretty easy to read,' so... I guess not! Haha."

Who or what would you sacrifice your life for, if anything?

"I think I'd give up my life to save the Brigade... especially Angel. As long as I can be sure they'd be okay after."

What is something about you that other people often find surprising?

"That I don't act like a dog, which I don't think should be all that surprising."

How would you most like to die?

"I guess I'd want to go out in a blaze of glory, like right after I saved someone I care about. I'd want there to be a reason behind it."

What is your most prized mundane possession?

"My bed, 'cause it looks like something a human would use except sized for me. I found it in the middle of the Wilds on one of our trips and I've treasured it ever since."

Spot appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Fears and Phobias link mentioned Spot

Character chevron_right Best Friend link linked Spot

Character chevron_right Teammates link linked Spot

Character chevron_right Story link mentioned Spot

Race chevron_right Details link mentioned Spot

Group chevron_right General Description link mentioned Spot

Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Spot

Race chevron_right Chosen One link linked Spot

Character chevron_right Apprentices link linked Spot

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Spot

Item chevron_right General Description link mentioned Spot

Scene chevron_right Summary link mentioned Spot

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