info Overview
Name - What is Viruno’s full name?


Role - What is Viruno’s role in your story?

Displaced Dragon

Other Names - What other aliases does Viruno go by?

Runo (nickname used by Dregka)

Age - How old is Viruno?

48 (30 by human standards)

Gender - What is Viruno’s gender?





Fire dragon

face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Viruno?


Weight - How much does Viruno weigh?

13 tons

Style of Dress


Full Physical Description

Viruno is a thickly built dragon, both from fat and muscle. His wings are barely large enough to carry him – not that he uses them very often anyway – and his legs are too short for extended runs. His low center of gravity also makes it very difficult to knock him down during a fight, however. He has rust-red scales with a paler underbelly and minimal color variation. Two thick horns grow from the top of his head and slope backwards, and a line of rounded spines follow the top of his tail up to his back and neck, stopping at the base of his skull.

fingerprint Personality

Gold jewelry, lava-bathing


Being one-upped, flying

Fears and Phobias


Hobbies and Interests

Collecting and polishing gemstones, spelunking



Full Personality Description

Viruno is fairly quiet and reserved, preferring to wait and think through all his options before acting on anything. He can be impatient, though, and prefers the company of outspoken friends who can help him shine more brightly. He often finds himself drifting through life, still trying to find his purpose.

pan_tool Abilities
Specific Techniques and Other Powers

Fire breath

Prowess and Style

As he is not particularly fast, Viruno prefers to stay in one place, guarding against attacks as they come rather than making an attempt at dodging. He tries to avoid fights altogether by intimidating the challenger into giving up, but if his hand is forced, he will use his fire breath first, and his claws and teeth as backup weapons.

account_circle Life
Job - What job does Viruno have?


Realm of Origin

Current Residence

Languages Spoken (Fluent)


  • got spirited away by the Aida Spacetime Incident one day, just out of nowhere

  • landed near Aston, started stealing food and burning townsfolk who tried to attack him and all that, just out of necessity

  • fought the Brigade a few times but never seriously injured anyone, it was just to defend himself

  • eventually found the Relic and tried to steal it in case its magic could take him home; fought the rest of the Brigade over it but got cornered and told his story as best as he could

  • currently lives with the Brigade but doesn't consider himself part of the team or anything, they just help each other out

  • the Relic can't take him home, of course -- he tried going through it but nothing happened since he's too big -- so he's stranded in Terrata now

  • guards the Relic as part of his temporary hoard

edit Notes
help_outline Q&A
What do you find repulsive or disgusting?

"Big hulking furry things. Dregka told me some stories about animals called 'hrennas' and something about them just sounds... wrong."

How open are you with someone you just met? What do you hide, if anything?

"I don't know, I just try to be smart about it... I don't want people to find too much out until I figure out whether I can trust them."

Have you ever dramatically changed your appearance?

"No, I didn't even know you could do anything like that until I heard stories about tattoos from Dregka. He told me you have to get it on your wings, where the skin is uncovered. Sounds painful..."

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