info Overview
Name - What is Dragon named?



Dark dragon, earth dragon, fire dragon, ice dragon, light dragon, water dragon, wind dragon

Average Lifespan

Most dragons live well beyond their hundredth year, but the lifespan varies widely between subspecies.

  • Fire dragons: 130 years

  • Ice dragons: 130 years

  • Water dragons: 100 years

  • Wind dragons: 130 years

  • Light dragons: 140 to 150 years

  • Dark dragons: 140 to 150 years

  • Earth dragons: 90 to 100 years

face Physical Characteristics
Physical Characteristics

Dragons are warm-blooded reptilian beasts. They are similar to giant long-necked lizards in appearance: about 10-12 feet tall; thick, tough scales (widely variant in color); a long snout filled with two rows of razor-sharp teeth; four legs ending in large claws; possible wings on the back; and a long tail. Ridges or horns may line any part of the tail, spine, or skull. The scales on the underbelly are much larger and form distinct horizontal bands; they are also softer than the rest of the dragon's hide, and thus more vulnerable.

The species is further divided into elemental subspecies with several defining traits, both physically and magically.

Fire Dragons

Red, orange, or brown scales. Fire dragons typically live underground near magma chambers, in temperatures far too high for humans to survive. Their underbellies are more durable than other dragons', and their wings are larger on average to ease escape from their underground homes. To assist in killing the tough local prey, they have longer teeth and more pronounced horns as well.

Ice Dragons

White, blue, or light green scales. Thick fat insulates the ice dragon's body from the bitter colds of their snowy habitats. Their horns often have a curved shape to them for battering or shoveling through ice, and their claws are large for cutting through the blubber of their prey. They have small wings that are not designed for more than a short glide due to the dragon's extra weight.

Water Dragons

Blue, green, or black scales. Water dragons are amphibious and live in clean marine environments, such as reefs and lakes. They can survive in both saltwater and freshwater environments. As a rule of thumb, the darker the hue of their scales, the deeper the dragon can dive. Compared to other dragons, they have far sleeker bodies, with small wings that fold neatly against the sides – if they have wings at all. Their tails are also longer than average, and they have long, webbed toes and small or absent horns, all for ease of swimming.

Wind Dragons

Light green, white, or gray scales. Wind dragons spend much of their time in the air, and live in wide-open plains and fields with few trees to impede their flight. They are able to breathe at far higher altitudes than even other dragons and have the largest wing span of any of the subspecies. Their slender bodies are lightweight and their small horns do not interfere with their aerodynamics. They also have large claws for solid landings.

Light Dragons

White, gray, light blue, or gold scales. Light dragons live in high, mountainous areas, making their perches above the clouds. They have slender bodies, but are capable of handling a wide range of temperatures. The horns are long and very pronounced, often with a slight curve, meant as more of a display than a weapon. Their long, hooked claws and thin tails help them perch anywhere. Should they need a backup to their powerful magic, their tails end in several spikes.

Dark Dragons

Black, purple, or dark brown scales. Dark dragons primarily live underground, but sometimes turn to the other altitude extreme to coexist with light dragons, being more at home in cold environments. The longer a dark dragon's horns, the more they will curve or fold back on themselves, as if unable to hold up their own weight. Their tails are very long, ending in thick horns or spade-like shapes suitable for offense. The bones in their wings are more pronounced than in other subspecies.

Earth Dragons

Earth dragons have a completely different build from the other subspecies of dragon. Uniquely, they are bipedal and much shorter than usual, averaging six to eight feet tall. They are comfortable in a very wide range of temperatures. Their scales are green or brown, and they have large feet and smaller hands with short but sharp claws. Wings are very rare, and even if they are present, developmental disorders that render them basically unusable are not unheard of.

whatshot Magical Characteristics
Magical Characteristics

Dragons are a magic-driven race. Much of their daily lives make use of it, and so technology is rarely seen, even shunned. Most dragons' magic manifests itself in the form of a breath weapon, which serves as their primary offense. This breath weapon matches the dragon's element, with the exception of earth dragons, which either breathe fire (though not to the same level of strength as a fire dragon) or they may not have a breath weapon at all.

Alchemy also sees widespread use, especially in older generations. Many dragons have also learned to control their own Life Force in potent spells, the likes of which many other species would not be able to cast without exhausting themselves to an impractical degree.

Gemstones and Crystals are popular tools, used for storing Elemental Energy. The energy can remain trapped for years at a time if stored properly and can be released by anyone, even an individual without inherent control over the element.

Light and dark dragons, in addition to their breath weapons, have the ability to sense the amount of their respective element in another being's Balance of Light and Darkness.

accessibility_new Behavioral Characteristics
Behavioral Characteristics

Dragons are, by nature, hardy but reclusive. They are cared for by their parents for about two years until they are abandoned; those that die at this point are considered unworthy and usually not mourned for more than a few days. They live alone or in small groups of no more than ten individuals, and when they form bonds, those bonds are incredibly strong and often last a lifetime.

It is rare to see dragons mingling with other races -- the weather conditions they thrive in are so extreme that most others can't survive for long -- and they are typically not trusting of outsiders.

Fire Dragons

Fire dragons are more solitary than the other subspecies, usually living alone or in groups of two or three.

Ice Dragons

The low visibility of the ice dragons' blizzard-wracked homes means that staying in groups is often impractical, so they tend to live alone or with close family.

Water Dragons

Because resources are more bountiful in their habitat of choice, water dragons are more likely to form larger groups. They may select a leader to help direct hunting efforts.

Wind Dragons

Wind dragons place a lot of value on personal freedom. They encourage each other to go where they want and do what they want every minute of every day, with few ties to personal obligations.

Light Dragons

Light dragons tend to be especially proud, placing a lot of value on visual aesthetic. They'll often craft elaborate nests with magically-charged gemstones of many different elements.

Dark Dragons

Dark dragons are said to be more in tune with their emotions, placing a lot of value on introspection. They are not loners, however; in fact, they are encouraged to form groups of three to five to support each other.

Earth Dragons

Earth dragons often live with or near other subspecies, picking up the scraps left by their larger brethren. They tend to stick together in groups of five to ten individuals for each other's safety, as they are easy targets for local Drakes.

edit Notes

Chosen One is unknown.

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Race chevron_right Magical Characteristics link mentioned Dragon

Creature chevron_right Behavioral Characteristics link mentioned Dragon

Language chevron_right Spoken Characteristics link mentioned Dragon

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Character chevron_right Fears and Phobias link mentioned Dragon

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