info Overview
Name - What is Addlor’s full name?


Role - What is Addlor’s role in your story?

The Council's Greatest Recruiter

Age - How old is Addlor?


Gender - What is Addlor’s gender?





Earth dragon

face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Addlor?


Weight - How much does Addlor weigh?

341 lbs

Style of Dress

Simple jewelry

Full Physical Description

Addlor is seven feet of solid muscle, with jade green scales and a tan underbelly. Even if he tries to look nonthreatening, his imposing build unnerves anyone looking at him and his pronounced brow and sharp teeth spoil any comforting smile he can muster. Though his defensive ability is hurt by his lack of wings, his offense is nothing to laugh at: two thick horns grow up into simple points from the back of his head, and his tail is especially powerful for an earth dragon.

fingerprint Personality

Receiving gifts, watching dangerous stunts


Giving gifts, cold weather

Fears and Phobias

People learning too much about him

Hobbies and Interests

Freestyle rap, card games, children's cartoons



Full Personality Description

Addlor is aggressive and proud, a true "ride or die" sort who still knows when to get into a scrap. His short temper and intimidating appearance make him a force to be reckoned with, and he knows it. He soaks up compliments like a sponge and can be quite boastful. While others in the Council exploit their targets for the betterment of the group, Addlor is in it for the recognition and anything material he can get his claws on in the process.

pan_tool Abilities
Specific Techniques and Other Powers

Fire breath

Prowess and Style

Addlor lacks technical skills, but one should never underestimate the power of a good, solid punch from someone as buff as he is. He rarely employs his fire breath in a fight.

account_circle Life
Job - What job does Addlor have?


Realm of Origin

Languages Spoken (Fluent)


Addlor was born in Terrata, where his family had been stranded by the Aida Spacetime Incident generations ago. As a result, he grew up around humans and was raised on human-like culture. Although he does still live in a cave, albeit a fully furnished one.

He was asked to join the Soul Guardians by his friend Kelkov Aerio, and joined because he wanted the glory that comes with saving innocent people. Emelia Reragon had no trouble swaying him into her coup. He made it his new goal to become the Soul Guardians' best recruiter, responsible for countless new memberships, though he focuses more on numbers than depth of connection.

edit Notes
Image Sources
help_outline Q&A
Are you more likely to admire wisdom or ambition in others?

"Nobody's got more ambition than me, so I usually put more faith in people with smarts. I might get pissed when someone outsmarts me, not that it happens often, but in the back of my head I can't help but be impressed."

How do you deal with criticism?

"Tch, I shut them up."

What does your bedroom look like?

"It's underground, got rock walls. My bed is this big heap of whatever soft stuff I can find. I've got a DVD player too, hooked up this huge sound system."

What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

"I can't stand it when people ask a bunch of questions before they really get to know me. Like, who the hell do you think you are?"

What would you be like as a parent?

"I'd want my kids to grow up strong and successful, so I'd let them do whatever they want, usually. They'll learn best when they can figure stuff out on their own. They'd have to go into some kind of competition, though. Something where they can learn a good skill or two, and do it better than everyone else."

When is your favorite time of day?

"Way in the middle of the night. That's when all the fun stuff happens. I like midday too, when it's hottest. Sun feels good on my scales."

Addlor appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Other Names link mentioned Addlor

Character chevron_right Teammates and Coworkers link linked Addlor

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Addlor

Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Addlor

Character chevron_right Best Friend link linked Addlor

Scene chevron_right Summary link mentioned Addlor

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