info Overview
Name - What is Flare Modus’s full name?

Flare Modus

Role - What is Flare Modus’s role in your story?

Fiery Casanova of the Soul Guardians

Other Names - What other aliases does Flare Modus go by?

Stanley (real name)

Age - How old is Flare Modus?


Gender - What is Flare Modus’s gender?




face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Flare Modus?


Weight - How much does Flare Modus weigh?

179 lbs.

Style of Dress

Casual, distressed, warm colors

Full Physical Description

Flare's most striking feature is his hair. It's dyed, of course, like fire – a haphazard gradient of yellow at the roots to red at the tips – and sweeps back in dramatic, wild-looking locks. He has a large nose and broad chin, plus piercings in his eyebrows. His build is stocky, with decent muscle. Though he's no weakling when it comes to combat, his dexterity is hurt by the burn scars on his fingers, hands, forearms, and feet.

fingerprint Personality

Dominant women, parties, puns


His real name, alcohol, the smell of metal

Fears and Phobias

Intense claustrophobia, losing control of himself

Hobbies and Interests

Setting things on fire, casual dating



Full Personality Description

Flare is cooler-tempered than his hairstyle and nickname would have you believe, but he still thrives on attention and can be highly impulsive. He's a social animal, prone to talking himself up and flirting with every attractive woman he meets, human or otherwise. It's very easy to get a read on him; he'll often accidentally set something alight when excited, or start playing with fire when anxious or upset. Mostly, he's just here to have a good time.

pan_tool Abilities
Prowess and Style

Flare is an expert fire mage, with both power and control under his belt. He can manage everything from a controlled release that merely warms the room, to a towering inferno that incinerates everything in sight. This makes him flexible at any range, though his hand-to-hand skills are weak. Disable his magic somehow and he will completely buckle.

group Relationships
account_circle Life
Job - What job does Flare Modus have?

Part-time construction worker

Realm of Origin

Languages Spoken (Fluent)


Flare grew up in Merca, but moved to Nuova as soon as he was old enough in search of greater things. For a little while, he was a street performer by day, and took under-the-table arson jobs for money by night. He was almost killed when a family retaliated, which convinced him to try and go clean and get into construction work as a means of working out some of his extra energy.

When the Founding of the Soul Guardians kicked off, Flare needed by far the least convincing to get on board with Emelia's plan. He was ecstatic at the chance to go back to burning things for fun, and this time in broad daylight where he could draw as much attention as he wanted fighting back. Recruitment has never been a focus for him; he just goes on arson sprees from time to time and reels in any would-be SGs who think what he's doing is cool.

He has something of a crush on Sarah Gallo, but if asked, he'll never say his flirting is anything more than messing with her because it's funny.

edit Notes
Image Sources
help_outline Q&A
Do you consider yourself preoccupied with material possessions?

"Nah, I'm more of a people guy than a stuff guy. If anything I like destroying stuff better than holding on to it."

If something negative happens to you, do you believe you caused or deserved it, or are you quick to blame others?

"You trying to say I blame others even when it's my fault? Nah, I do my best most of the time."

What is one of the most primary things you feel that is missing from your life?

"Listen, I just wanna settle down with a chick who'll keep the flames going, if you know what I mean."

Do you enjoy receiving compliments? How do you respond?

"I get more lit up by some solid roasts. But hey, I ain't gonna turn down a good compliment. I take 'em in stride, usually."

What are your reasons for getting up in the morning, aside from achieving your main goal?

"I just wanna see what life has in store for me, y'know? Every day's an adventure if you ask me."

Do other people have misconceptions about some parts of your personality?

"People don't have misconceptions about me, nah. I'm pretty up front with the sort of guy I am. Lets the ladies know just who they're talking to."

How would you react if someone broke into your home?

"Well first I'd get them OUT of my home so I don't burn any of my stuff, and then I'd show them just how stupid a move like that was."

What is something you can't leave home without?

"Eh, I don't need much... just my magic. When I was a kid I used to carry around one of those grip trainer things, like with the really thick spring that you squeeze? I quit it after a while though, 'specially when I started getting good with my flames. Who needs to know how to throw a punch?"

What would be the perfect gift for you?

"A night on the town with a pretty lady."

Flare Modus appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Best Friend link linked Flare Modus

Character chevron_right Other Names link mentioned Flare Modus

Character chevron_right Teammates and Coworkers link linked Flare Modus

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Flare Modus

Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Flare Modus

Scene chevron_right Summary link mentioned Flare Modus

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