info Overview
Name - What is the name of Ludere Manufacturing?

Ludere Manufacturing

General Description

A company based in Nuova that manufactures various Magitech inventions, mostly in the personal entertainment business. Colloquially known simply as "Ludere," they are most famous for their invention and production of the TV and video game console. They also produce many video games themselves, their flagship series being Fable of Sheek.

They work primarily with Electricity Magic, sourcing most of their energy from Technica Power. Each product is powered by what the company calls a "circuit board," the exact nature of which is a closely guarded trade secret. There is a persistent conspiracy theory that the president of Ludere made a deal with The Creator herself to gain this knowledge.

Ludere goods are considered a luxury, and are rarely seen outside Nuova due to difficulty in transporting them without damaging the circuit boards.

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