@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"Yeah… and I know he'd help you if it really mattered." Derlik offered a gentle smile.
"Yeah… and I know he'd help you if it really mattered." Derlik offered a gentle smile.
Nix nodded a bit. "He already kinda did… right before we left Halm's house." He sighed and toyed nervously with his hair.
"Ah…" Derlik didn't speak anymore, knowing if they continued with this subject Nix would go right back to thinking about Halm.
"Well, I'm sure Cas cares about you, too. Have you talked to him recently?"
"Well, I talked to him yesterday, I think… and obviously I yelled to tell him we were back. But we haven't really spent a ton of time together lately… I think he liked it better when I was a cat."
"Hm… well, he might be more used to you as a cat, but I doubt he cares any less now that you're human." Derlik let out a breath.
"I guess so…" Nix sighed softly. "I just can't help him the same way I used to. It would be kinda awkward now that I'm a person too."
"Hm…" Derlik thought a moment on this. "Well, you can still give him comfort, can't you? Humans do it to each other all the time."
(Horrible idea- Nix ends up turned into a cat again for a bit)
"I guess so, but he's kinda got Zachary for that now… he's been able to replace me pretty easily."
"Well… you do have your own life, Nix. From what I've seen, Cas needs someone to be there for him twenty-four seven. That doesn't mean he doesn't care about you, though. It just means he cares about you differently than he does Zach."
Nix looked away and turned his ears back, quivering a bit. "I just… I-I feel like he doesn't need me anymore…"
"He does, Nix," Derlik said softly. "He just needs Zach too. It's okay to have to share him, but he really does need you."
"I dunno… like I said, I can't really help him the way I used to. I don't know how to help him anymore."
"Well, then, I'll help you figure out how to help him, then," Derlik said.
"Okay…" Nix toyed with his hair a bit more, seeming nervous and uncomfortable. "I-I don't want him to forget about me…"
"He could never," Derlik promised. He leaned forward some, kissing Nix's head lightly.
Nix closed his eyes, flushing lightly. "How do you know, though? He spends a lot of time with Zachary…"
"He does," Derlik said softly. "And you've been spending a lot of time with me," he pointed out gently.
"Yeah, I guess so…" Nix toyed a bit with his hem and looked away. "But that's partially because he doesn't need me around all the time."
"Well… do you care any less about Cas while you're away from him?" Derlik pointed out.
"W-Well, no… of course not." Nix looked up at Derlik weakly. "I'm always worried about him."
"Well, Cas isn't around you all the time," Derlik continued. "That doesn't mean he doesn't worry about you, or that he stopped caring."
"But how do you know?" Nix asked softly, nibbling a bit on one of his knuckles. "W-What if he doesn't love me anymore?"
"Nix," Derlik said softly. He took the man's hand in his own, holding him close. "In all my years, I've found one thing to be true; when someone has a connection to another to the level Cas does to you, then the possibility of it being broken is practically none."
Nix buried his face in Derlik's chest, trembling a bit. "I-I'm sorry… I'm… I'm probably being stupid, aren't I…?" He asked weakly.
"No, no," Derlik said quickly. "You're not being stupid. It's clear this is a genuine concern for this, and I can see it really scares you. I'm just trying to help, it doesn't mean you're stupid." Derlik hugged Nix close, kissing his head again.
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