Nix nodded a bit, and Cas did as well. "Of course, Nix. I do care about you. So much. We'll find a good way for you to help out, okay?"
Nix nodded a bit, and Cas did as well. "Of course, Nix. I do care about you. So much. We'll find a good way for you to help out, okay?"
Serna pulled Nix close, kissing his head again.
"We're all going to make sure you're okay."
"Mmkay…" Nix buried his face in Serna's shoulder and sighed shakily. "T-Thanks…"
Serna kept her touch gentle, looking up when she saw movement.
"What's wrong?" Zachary asked. He came stepping over, leaning on his cane.
"I'll tell you in a minute…" Cas murmured. "Is there anything else you need from us?" He asked Serna softly.
"I'll be getting dinner ready soon," Serna said. "I'll… take Nix with me to help."
Cas nodded a bit. "Alright… take care, then." He paused before closing the door and turning to Zachary with a soft sigh.
Zachary leaned over just a bit, wrapping an arm around Cas.
"What's wrong?" the minor god asked, semi using Cas for support.
"Nix is feeling a bit neglected…" Cas sighed softly. "And he's upset because he feels like I don't need him anymore because I've got you now."
Zachary's eyes widened a bit.
"Really?" He asked softly. "Is there anything we can do to help with that?"
"I'm honestly not sure…" Cas sighed again, running his fingers through his hair. "He can't exactly help the same way he did when he was a cat, but I don't want him feeling that way."
Zachary nodded, thinking some.
"Well… maybe we could try just involving him more for now? It's just been me and you together in here for a while now.
Cas nodded a bit. "Right… do you have any ideas?" He asked with a soft sigh. "He's right that I haven't needed his assistance quite as much with you around, but that doesn't mean I care about him any less, you know?"
"Yeah, I know." Zachary thought a moment over how to help, resting his head on Cas.
"I'm not entirely sure… Maybe spend some one on one time with him? If you can handle it."
"Yeah, I can try that. I'm just not entirely sure what we'd do, you know?" Cas toyed nervously with his hair.
"Well, you could try talking to him about things. It should be easier, now that he can talk back. Try and find out more about him." Zachary looked down at Cas, kissing his forehead.
Cas nodded a bit. "Yeah, I guess so… I feel like it'll be hard to know what to talk about, though. Ugh, I'm so useless at this stuff…"
"Mm… well, is there anything you've ever wanted to ask him about before, when he couldn't respond?" Zachary wrapped an arm more securely around Cas's waist, pulling him in for a hug.
"And you're not useless, dear, I promise."
"I dunno, honestly… maybe he's got some ideas…" Cas sighed softly and buried his face in Zachary's chest.
Zachary wasn't able to wrap both arms around Cas, still leaning on his cane. He kissed the top of Cas's head, rubbing his back.
"Mm… what do you wanna do until it's time for dinner?" Cas asked softly.
"Well, it might be good to leave the room for a bit," Zachary noted. They hadn't really done so recently, since Zach had a bit of a hard time walking around.
"Yeah, true… do you wanna go outside or something? Get some fresh air?"
"That might be nice," Zachary said. "Yeah, yeah let's head out." The man smiled, hugging Cas with his one arm again.
Cas nodded a bit and carefully led Zachary outside to get some fresh air. "I love you…"
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