Nix whimpered softly and huddled closer to Derlik, wrapping his legs around the god's waist. "B-But I shouldn't be doubting Cas like this… that's horrible of me…"
Nix whimpered softly and huddled closer to Derlik, wrapping his legs around the god's waist. "B-But I shouldn't be doubting Cas like this… that's horrible of me…"
"It's not," Derlik promised. "Cas has doubted a lot of people before, hasn't he?" Derlik was grasping now- he didn't know if Cas had or not, not really.
"Well, I guess… but most of them were his ex boyfriends, and that doubt is… definitely warranted." Nix sighed.
"Well, you've seen him doubt so many people," Derlik said softly, running with it. Damnit, he wasn't a therapist!
"All you've seen is Cas being hurt by people he cares about. Now, you're doubting whether you can trust the people you care about."
"I-I guess so, I just… I don't want him to be mad at me if he finds out I was thinking this kinda stuff…"
"He won't be." Derlik would make sure of it. Though, he was sure Serna and Zachary would too, in their own ways.
Nix huddled closer to Derlik and rubbed at his eyes a bit. "I-I just… I want him to love me again…"
"He does, sweetie," Derlik said softly. "I bet, if you went into that room right now, and asked if he still loved you, he'd say yes."
"But I don't wanna bother him…" Nix murmured, curling in on himself a bit more to feel safer.
"I… I know." Derlik pulled Nix a bit closer to himself. He rubbed the man's back, kissing his forehead.
"I just wanna not think for a while…" Nix yawned and closed his eyes. "Might try and sleep…"
"Okay, then…" Derlik kissed Nix's head again, moving to lay down on the couch with thim.
Nix huddled up against Derlik's chest, tucking his head under the god's chin so he could get more comfortable.
Derlik let out a gentle breath, content to rest with Nix.
It didn't take Nix very long to fall asleep in Derlik's arms, and he stayed asleep until he heard a door closing. He jolted awake, startled by the sound, and looked around to find its source.
Derlik had fallen asleep as well, snoring softly.
Serna was making her way out of her workroom, wiping her hands off.
"Why, hello, sleepyheads," the goddess teased gently. She moved over, lightly patting Nix's head.
"Hello, Miss Serna…" Nix leaned into the petting and yawned, obviously not quite awake yet. "What time is it?"
"It's just past six," The goddess said with a smile. "Did you have a good nap?"
Nix nodded a bit and rubbed at his eyes tiredly. "Mhmm… got kinda bored so I just slept."
"Ah, okay then." Serna knelt down, lightly scratching behind Nix's ears.
"Are you hungry for dinner?"
"Yeah, sure. Should we… um… should we call Cas and Zachary?" Nix asked softly.
"Yes," Serna agreed. "I'll go get them, and we can all eat together." The goddess offered a smile, pulling away to go to the men's room.
"S-Sounds good to me…" Nix swallowed nervously and looked away, fidgeting a bit.
Serna's lips pursed slightly.
"Is something wrong, sweetie?"
"Nothing, nothing… just… stupid anxieties. Don't worry about it…" Nix looked away and sighed.
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