"Sounds good to me." Nix looked around as Derlik carried him along. "When should we eat?" He asked.
"Sounds good to me." Nix looked around as Derlik carried him along. "When should we eat?" He asked.
"Hmm… I'm not entirely sure. When we feel hungry?" Derlik smiled some. Trees lined the path they were on, a low mist over the valley below.
"Mmkay!" Nix purred happily as he looked around, his ears swiveling around to catch every little sound. "Halm never took me anywhere fun like this."
"Hm, I'm not surprised by that," Derlik said, chuckling some. Halm really had a big impact on Nix, for the cat to talk so much about him even now. Everything was compared to Halm and what he did, it seemed.
"Yeah…" Nix shifted around a bit to get more comfortable. "We mostly just stayed at home and he made food since none of the rest of us know how to cook."
"Ah… yes, that sounds like something he would do. He never was one to go exploring outside of what he knows…" Derlik let out sigh. It seemed to him that Nix needed to be distracted from Halm, stop thinking about what he would do all the time. He was obviously still attached to the god, in some way.
Nix slipped down out of Derlik's arms so he could crouch down and play with the snow, purring happily to himself as he did so. "Pretty~…"
Derlik smiled softly when Nix started purring, kneeling down himself.
"I'm glad you like this," the god said. He himself picked up some snow easily in his hands, forming it into a ball.
Nix watched Derlik curiously before trying to make a snowball himself, although he was failing miserably. He seemed to be having fun nonetheless.
Derlik laughed a bit, smiling some. He took Nix's hands in his own, helping him to make a snowball.
"Like this," the god said, still smiling.
"Ooh!" Nix looked at the snowball in his hands, purring happily. "It's pretty! Real cold, though…"
Derlik chuckled a bit, nodding some.
"Yeah, snow is cold," he said softly. "It's made when water gets too cold before it becomes rain." The god smiled, gently patting Nix's head.
"Ooooh~…" Nix stuck the ball of snow in his mouth, seeming quite pleased with himself. "It doesn't taste like much…"
Derlik couldn't help but snort, laughing when he saw what Nix did with the snowball.
"That's because it's just fluffy water," the god managed to say.
Nix grinned up at Derlik, his cheeks still dotted with snow. "Yeah! You should try some!" He held a bunch of snow up to Derlik.
Derlik laughed softly, accepting the snow.
"Alright, then~!" He took a bite, the snow melting on his tongue.
"Mmm… cold~," The god said, laughing again. He wiped some of the snow off of Nix's cheeks, smiling.
Nix purred a bit and leaned into Derlik's hands, shivering from the cold. "Are you having fun?" He asked, looking up at Derlik with wide, innocent eyes.
Derlik nodded, grinning.
"Mhm~!" Derlik ran his fingers through Nix's hair, helping to warm him up.
Nix huddled up against Derlik, more than happy to steal warmth from the other. He was still shivering, but he seemed content.
Derlik scooped Nix up to hold the man next to his chest, starting to walk through the mountain forest around them.
"It's very pretty," Derlik said quietly. "Almost as much as you."
Nix flushed a bit, seeming a bit confused. "Uhm… t-thanks…" He huddled a bit closer to Derlik and closed his eyes, purring softly.
Derlik hummed gently, running his fingers through Nix's hair as they continued on.
"Are you warm enough?"
"Oh, I'm freezing. But you're keeping me comfortable enough." Nix shrugged and leaned into Derlik's hand, purring contentedly..
"Oh, here!" Derlik shifted Nix to one arm, taking off his own jacket to wrap around Nix before pulling him closer.
"How's this?"
"Mm~… better." Nix purred a bit more and huddled up against Derlik. "And you're pretty warm too."
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