forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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"mm, true." he hugged Nathaniel close, pressing slow kisses to his exposed skin, raking his teeth lightly over the surface


Nathaniel shivered again and exhaled shakily, clinging more tightly to V. He whined and buried his face in the other's shoulder.


V chuckled softly and nudged his head "My darling angel, please don't hide." he smiled softly and pressed a kiss to his head.


"Mmmmm…" Nathaniel looked back up at V weakly, his face still very red. "But loooove…" He whined.


V cupped his cheek and kissed his nose "hm? yes my dear?" he murmured softly, resting his hand on the base of Nathaniel's back.


Nathaniel huffed and resisted the urge to hide his red face again, instead purring when V held him close.


He chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to his lips "you're beautiful when you're flustered my angel." he purred, moving his hand along Nathaniel's spine and wings


Nathaniel stuck his tongue out playfully and purred louder, goosebumps erupting on his skin when V pet him.


He bit his tongue gently, only to tease him and kissed him once again. The hand at Nathaniel's head came to rest on his leg, holding him in place as he kissed him


Nathaniel whined and returned the kiss, wrapping his quivering wings around the two of them.


He pulled away to kiss other areas of exposed skin though he always returned to his lips. "My gorgeous angel," he murmured softly, nudging against his wings and gazing down at him


"Mmmmm…" Nathaniel purred weakly and nuzzled up against V affectionately. "I love youuuuu~…" He murmured.


He laughed softly and held him close, "I love you too, Nath. so much." he gently rested on top of him, careful not to put all his weight on him


Nathaniel clung to V, exhaling shakily. He continued purring and cuddled close, starting to breathe more heavily.


He pressed his lips along his shoulder and collar bone, nipping gently at more tender areas, creating small bruises.


Nathaniel winced slightly whenever V marked him, but he occupied himself by doing the same to V.


He moaned softly when Nathaniel started to nip at him. “My love, so bold hm?” He laughed softly and nudged his head aside and kissed the area below his ear


Nathaniel whimpered quietly and melted into V's touch. "H-Hah~… loooove~…" He whined weakly.


He chuckled lowly but didn’t pull away until there was a bruise around the area. “Forgive me my love you’re just so delicious.” He smirked and pressed a kiss to his cheek


Nathaniel gripped V tightly, still trembling violently and very red. "N-No…" he whined. "Mmmmmmm…"


“No what angel?” He mused with a smile, propping his head up on his arm. He gently brushed aside hair that was in Nathaniel’s face


“M’not what dearest? Not forgiving me?” He gasped “or not delicious? Cuz I could very easily argue that point.” He sighed and tilted his head out of the way for Nathaniel


"Noooooo…" Nathaniel nipped lightly at V's skin, purring softly while he did so. "I don't taste good…"


He shook his head “you very much are darling creature.” He pressed a kiss to his shoulder and smiled, reveling in the affection