She nodded "alright, we have one more shirt for each of you to try on before you make a decision." She lead Nathaniel back to the dressing room once more before handing him the last shirt.
She nodded "alright, we have one more shirt for each of you to try on before you make a decision." She lead Nathaniel back to the dressing room once more before handing him the last shirt.
Nathaniel nodded and took the shirt from her. He went to go change and soon returned to where he was standing with V before.
V came out shortly in a deep red colored shirt and came to stand next to Nathaniel "uhm, I don't think this one works for me.." he said, looking in the mirror and shaking his head
"Mm." Nathaniel headed over to V and examined him. "You're right. I liked the other one better." He started unbuttoning V's shirt.
He nodded in agreement before gasping softly and stopping Nathaniel from going further. "uhm, darling whatcha doing?" he asked, a light blush rising on his cheeks as he peeked up at the others, thankful that they had turned away
"Hmm?" Nathaniel glanced up at V curiously. "Well, I figured you were gonna change back. We're not girls or anything. You're allowed to run around shirtless if you please."
He chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to his hands "yes, you're partially correct but usually not in public places like this one love." He shook his head and smiled "I didn't know you wanted to see me shirtless so badly darling." he teased, pressing a kiss to his head and nudging him back to his dressing room "how about this, we'll change in your dressing room, k?"
Nathaniel flushed red and nodded, allowing V to pull him back into the room. He hesitated before taking off his own shirt and picking up the one he'd had on before.
V smiled softly before unbuttoning his own shirt and pulling on the grey one from before that Laura had brought over for him.
Nathaniel glanced over his shoulder at V while he pulled his own shirt on, his face flushing again when he did so.
V peeked over his shoulder, grinning when he saw the blush. He gently pulled Nathaniel to him, leaving the shirt unbuttoned for now. ""what is my angel? I see this lovely blush of yours, is everything alright?" he asked, hugging him close and gently stroking his hair
Nathaniel tried to hide his red face in V's shoulder, unable to keep himself from purring loudly when V started petting him. He whined softly and wrapped his wings around himself as a sort of shield.
V gently tilted Nathaniel's head up and tilted his own "tell me lovely creature, please?" He scooped nathaniel up and hooked him on his waist, maneuvering his legs so that they were around his waist. "there, is this what you wanted?"
"Ah~…" Nathaniel clung tightly to V, still trying to hide himself. He kept his red face firmly buried in V's shoulder, though his soft purring was still audible.
V held him close, using one arm to pull off the shirt. He moved Nathaniel to take off the shirt fully and wrapped his good wing around him. "oh you are too cute my love," he cooed in his ear, swaying slightly with him "I'm right here angel, there's no need to hide." he said softly, gently rubbing his back and wings
Nathaniel whined again and glanced up at V meekly, still purring. He adjusted his position a bit to be more comfortable in V's arms. He seemed unwilling to speak at the moment, though considering how flushed he was, he probably wouldn't be too coherent anyhow.
He gazed down at him and smiled softly "there's my beautiful angel. I'm assuming this is your way of asking to go home?" he asked with a small laugh, nuzzling Nathaniel's cheek
Nathaniel nodded, returning the nuzzles and continuing to purr. "But we gotta put our shirts back on to do that…"
"And that means I have to put you down." he replied, gently stroking his cheek. "YOu want to get these shirts, or did you have a different one in mind?" he asked, pointing the shirt the nathaniel was wearing and to the grey one he had hung up
"I like these ones… they're comfy and they look nice." Nathaniel lay his head on V's shoulder and yawned a bit. "And you don't necessarily have to put me down…"
He nodded "they do look nice." He pressed a kiss to Nathaniel's head "yeah I do, else you're just going to fall asleep in my arms. Plus we still have to change into out normal shirts." he said with a laugh "I promise I'll pick you right back up when we change."
Nathaniel sighed and reluctantly got down out of V's arms. "Fiiiine… I'll put on my comfy clothes… or, rather, your clothes that I stole." Nathaniel pulled off his dress shirt and grabbed V's hoodie that he'd worn here.
He laughed and pulled on his shirt that he had worn there. "one of these days I will have to walk around without a shirt if you keep taking my clothing." he joked, running his hand through his hair before grabbing the two shirts they had chosen and stepping outside.
"I wouldn't complain." Nathaniel grinned and held his arms up to V, clearly wanting to be picked up again.
"Oh I know you wouldn't darling, but other's might have other opinions." he glanced down at him, not being able to deny nathaniel anything. Luckily Urielle came over and understood "we wondering what was taking so long." he winked and took the shirts from V so that he could carry Nath. V thanked him and scooped nathaniel up like before "alright, are you good now?
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