forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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Nathaniel huffed indignantly and buried his face in V's chest. "M'not a marshmallow…" He muttered again.


“Alright, if you dislike being called that so much even when it’s just the two of us, I won’t call you it anymore.” He nudged his head affectionately


"It's demeaning…" Nathaniel clung tighter to V and sighed. "Makes me feel like I'm just a helpless, weak, stupid mess…"


He shook his head and cupped his cheek “you and I both know you’re not, darling angel. You’re one of the strongest angel’s I know, the other two being Urielle and Jarvis. I would never in a million years think of you as any of those words that you’ve said. And if anyone else gets the pleasure of meeting you, then I’m certain they’d agree.” He kissed his head “I love you Nath, more than anything. I would never hurt you in any way.”


Nathaniel nodded and huddled close, wrapping his wings around himself protectively. "I love you too, V…" He sighed shakily and tightened his grip on V. "M'not a marshmallow…"


He hugged him back and tucked him safely underneath his chin “no love, you’re not. You’re strong and beauty. You stand up for what’s right, no matter the consequence and fight for what you want. I admire that Nath, quite a lot.” He looked down at him and gently stroked his wings “I only wish I could have been there for you when their was a consequence to your benevolence.” He kissed his head lovingly and trailed small circles alongside his back


Nathaniel purred weakly, relaxing into V's gentle touch. He definitely seemed to enjoy this description of himself far more. His purring jumped in volume when V started stroking his wings.


v laughed softly and kissed his nose "I'm assuming you like this better?" he asked with a teasing smile, purring back in response


Nathaniel nodded, flushing lightly and burying his face in V's chest again. "Y-Yeah… makes me feel better about myself…"


"Good, that all I ever wanted for you." he pressed a kiss to his head and hugged him closer, trailing his hand up and down Nathaniel's back and wings


Nathaniel trilled happily and nuzzled up against V. "I love youuuuu~…" He purred, clearly more content than before.


he chuckled softly. "I love you too, Nath." he glanced down at him as he tried to nuzzle closer. "Darling angel, I'm not sure how much closer you can be."


Nathaniel whined softly and huffed. "But I wannaaaaa…" He whined, clinging to V tightly when he couldn't be any closer.


"You wanna what, dear?" he teased, "any tighter and you'll suffocate me," he laughed and pulled nathaniel on top of him, hugging him close and peppering him with kisses


"I wanna be closer…" Nathaniel huffed and tucked his head under V's chin. "Fuckin… stupid world… tryna make things actually make sense… I wanna be closer…"


He chuckled softly and pressed one last kiss to his shoulder "You're as close as one can get darling, know…" he huffed a laugh at Nathaniel's mini outburst and gently flipped him over so that he was on top though not squishing him "there, is this any better?"


Nathaniel flushed red as he looked up at V, surveying the other's face for a few seconds before tugging him down to kiss him.


his eyes widened in surprise before they fluttered shut. he leaded into the kiss and wrapped Nathaniel's body around him, hooking his legs oh his waist, never once breaking the kiss. His hand rested in his hair, holding his head in place as he kissed back


Nathaniel only ever pulled away to breathe. He wanted to stay as close to V as possible, and that seemed to be working out for him, though his deep flush was making him start panting again.


V pulled away slightly, still staying pretty close to his angel. he gentle tugged at his shirt and pressed a kiss to his collar bone


Nathaniel tugged his shirt off and tossed it aside, immediately kissing V again once he was free of it.


He hugged him close to his body, kissing him back passionately. He trailed the kisses down to his chest and abdomen before slowly making his way back up to his lips, brushing over them sensually as he let them catch their breath.


Nathaniel whined softly and shivered, tugging V down to kiss him with just as much vigor. His wings started fluttering from the stimulation and created a light breeze.


"Shouldn't this be saved for out wedding night darling?" he teased, pressing kisses to his lips and nudging him affectionately "I love you nath, so very much my angel." he cupped his cheek and brought him in for another kiss


"We already did it once, so who cares…?" Nathaniel clung a little more tightly to V, his wings flapping harder now.