V started to grow worried for Nathaniel so he glanced around the room, finally finding a piece of paper on the night stand and folded a few times, making a makeshift fan. He started to fan Nathaniel, hoping to cool him down a bit.
V started to grow worried for Nathaniel so he glanced around the room, finally finding a piece of paper on the night stand and folded a few times, making a makeshift fan. He started to fan Nathaniel, hoping to cool him down a bit.
Nathaniel purred weakly and relaxed a bit in V's arms. He still clearly wanted to be very close to V, but he was more mild now.
"Relax for a bit love, we have all the time in the world to spend together." he said softly, pressing his lips to his temple and gently rubbing his back. "Feeling better or are you still too warm?"
"Mm… still pretty warm…" Nathaniel fidgeted uncomfortably and tucked his head under V's chin, sighing.
"hm, do you feel sick or something?" He pressed the back of his hand to Nathaniel's head and frowned softly. He watched as he shifted around before pulling the sheets off of him and fanning his body, still trying to cool him down
Nathaniel shook his head. "N-No, I think I just… I want you." He flushed again and buried his face in V's chest. "It's really hot in here…"
He laughed in surprise and gently tilted Nathaniel's head up, "is this what this is all about? you wanting me?" he chucked softly and fanned Nathaniel down some more. "let's cool you down a bit darling, then we'll see what we can do." he kissed his head and shook his head
Nathaniel flushed harder and kept his face hidden, whining softly. "I'm sorry I'm so needy and a hassle all the time, love…"
"my darling, there's no need to apologies. you are neither need nor a hassle." he stroked his cheek with his hand. "And even if you were, I would never complain about it. YOu know I love you, each and every single thing about you."
Nathaniel nodded, leaning into V's hand with a soft purr. "I just… I feel like I take too much from you and don't give back enough…"
“Take too much?” He echoes in disbelief, “my love, all of this, all of me is yours. I don’t need anything back. All I want is for you to be happy and to be loved like you deserve.” He pressed both his hands against Nathaniel's cheek and kissed him softly, gentle as ever with his beloved angel
"But you deserve to get something back, V… I shouldn't just take and take without ever returning anything. I just… don't know what I can give you."
He laughed softly and shook his head “darling, I get the best gift in return. You. That’s all I could ever ask for.” He pressed their heads together and smiled at him. “I get to have you for the rest of my life.”
Nathaniel flushed again. "But… b-but I get you too! I'm still not giving back as much as I should be!"
“My angel, this is not negotiation. This a partnership made from love and understanding. I shouldn’t expect anything back from you just because I give you my love. I willingly give myself to you and I always will.” He said, pressing a kiss to his head
Nathaniel sighed softly. "I still feel bad, though… I feel like I should be doing more whether or not you agree."
You do enough my love. Don’t worry about it,” he kissed his head and went back to fanning Nath down
Nathaniel nodded a bit and sighed. "Alright, alright, just… let me know if there's ever anything I can do, okay?"
He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to his lips “yes love, I will.” He hugged him close and nuzzled his hair
Nathaniel purred softly and huddled close to V. "I love youuuu~…" He murmured.
“I love you too, my marshmallow.” He kissed his nose and turned on his side so that he could curl around Nathaniel's body
"Nnnnoooooo…" Nathaniel whined, tucking his head under V's chin. "M'not a marshmallow…"
“No? Then what are you if not something so sweet and delicious?” He asked, nuzzling Nathaniel’s brow
"I'm a fuckin' angel, V… we literally grew up together. You should know this by now."
He laughed at Nathaniel’s sudden change in tone and only hugged him closer “I know dear, I know. I’m just teasing you.” He kissed his head and smiled adoringly at him “such a feisty one too, arencha?”
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