forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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Nathaniel kept going until he was satisfied with the mark he'd made. He gently ran his thumb along the bruise, humming softly.


V had buried his face in Nathaniel’s hair, a deep flush on his cheek and peeled out from his hiding spot “now I know how you feel.”


Nathaniel snickered a bit and kissed V's flushed cheeks. "Mhmm. Love youuuuu~…" He purred.


“Mmm’love you more.” He replied, pressing their bodies together and kissing his lips roughly


He pulled away gently, tugging at Nathaniel's lip before letting go and snuggled with him for a moment, allowing both of them to catch their breath


Nathaniel panted lightly, nuzzling close to V while he caught his breath. He pressed small kisses to V's neck, lips, and cheeks so that they wouldn't be apart for too long.


He smiled and shook his head "can't get enough darling?" he laughed softly, capturing his lips once again and ravishingly kissing him


"Mmmmmm…" Nathaniel melted into V's touch, purring loudly into the kiss. He kept his eyes closed and relaxed, allowing V to just hold him.


"i love you nath, I will spend the rest of my life showing you that." he whispered softly, breaking the kiss and trailing his lips along the bridge of his nose


"I love you too, V…" Nathaniel drew in a few wavering breaths while V kissed him. "I love you so much…"


He pressed a tender kiss to his brow and smiled down at his beloved "gorgeous creature," he whispered, pressing a final kiss to his lips


(So here's this funny head canon I have
Nathaniel to random tall guy: Fuck you!
The guy: Oh yeah? Why don't you say that to my face!
Nathaniel: V!
V: lifts Nathaniel under his arms so he's face to face with the guy
Nathaniel @ the tall guy again: Fuck you!)

I don't think I ever realized you wrote this! i was re-reading over the rp and found this…this is great and i love it!!!


(Lmao I'm glad you like it. And I totally thought I responded to this, sorry qwq)
Nathaniel nuzzled up against V happily, still purring. "I hope we stay together forever, love… I dunno how I'd ever live without you."


(it's okay!)
He held Nathaniel close, trailing his fingertips along his back and wings. "we will dear." he tucked Nathaniel safely beneath his chin and wrapped him securely in his wing. You were doing pretty well before we found each other again. You were fighting demons, humans, and angels alike, despite you being less than half their size." He laughed softly, thinking back to when they first met on Earth. "you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, not to mention very cute, especially whenever I kissed you. You'd get so flustered you'd pass out!


Nathaniel whined softly and buried his face in V's shoulder. "That was one time…" He whined. "And there were other factors involved… it wasn't just because you kissed me." He huddled close to V with a sigh. "But yeah… I didn't even recognize you when I first saw you on earth. You look so different than you did when we were kids."


he chuckled softly and pressed kisses to his brow "No it wasn't but I don't think it helped your situation at the time." he grinned and continued trailing his hand along Nathaniel's body. "really? I don't even remember what I looked like before I kicked out. Maybe a few moments here and there, especially when with you but as for my personal looks, i don't remember much."


"Well, you were cute back then, and now you're hot." Nathaniel snickered, gently kissing V a few times. "You mostly grew a lot, but your facial structure is different and stuff."


He blushed softly and kissed Nathaniel back "really? well you'd be the first to point that out, angel." he laughed and tilted his head "well i think that would be a given. As for the facial structure, i havn't noticed but I'll take your word."


Nathaniel poked V's nose with a grin. "I'll have you know that I find you very attractive, Valderian."


he blushed a deep red and bit his lip, now his turn to be flustered after all this time. "Y-you said my name." he squeaked, burying his face in Nathaniel's neck, trying to hide his reddening cheeks


"I did indeed. Do you like that?" Nathaniel grinned. "I figured I'd try it out. After all, if we get married, I'll need to say it. Valderian Mathias Borne." He purred softly and kissed V's cheek.