forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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V rolled his eyes and gently pried away the blankets "there is that better?" he asked, pressing a gentle kiss to his head "fine, sleep a little longer but i am not letting you go." he nuzzled up against nathaniel


"Mmmm…" Nathaniel reluctantly allowed V to hold him, but he wasn't feeling very cuddly this morning. He definitely felt hotter than usual and he wasn't a fan.


(Yas! I found it! Also yes! Mind if we continue that in Limited? Since it’ll be easier to keep track of?)
V nuzzled his head and gently frowned, pressing a gentle hand to Nathaniel’s head. “Feeling alright?” He asked softly, hoping Nathaniel wasn’t coming down with any sickness. “How does Hot chocolate sound for breakfast?”


(Yeah, that's fine! You'll have to move it though aha)
"Nooo… too hot for hot choccy…" Nathaniel mumbled sleepily. His forehead felt pretty warm to the touch and he seemed to be pretty groggy and slow.


(That’s fine, we can always make a new one and have that one as a reference)
V pressed a kiss to his head “Alright, but we’re making soup today, that’ll hopefully help with whatever’s going on today. Imma start some breakfast for us, anything you want in particular?”


(You should be able to just edit the discussion and move it to Limited?)
"Mmm… bagel…" Nathaniel yawned a bit and sighed. "Or anything is fine, I guess… you're a pretty good cook." He shrugged.


(Oh! Oki! I’ll try that then!)
He chuckled softly and kissed his nose “I’m glad you like my cooking, love. At least I’ll be able to make more than bagels in the future.” V sighed softly as he got up from the bed, hating to leave Nathaniel in the state that he was in for any amount of time but also knowing staying probably wasn’t going to make things better. “Sleep my angel, I’ll be back with breakfast soon.”


"Mmkay…" Nathaniel curled up in the covers, curling his crumpled wings around himself as he shivered in the sheets. He couldn't tell if he was hot, cold, or both at this point…


V pulled on a shirt and draped one of his sweatshirts over the smaller angel, hoping that would offer a bit more warmth than the blankets. He headed off to the kitchen and started making waffles with some pumpkin and cinnamon butter since fall was coming soon. V had always loved the fall on Earth, making him feel warm and happy inside despite the dread of cold winter that came soon after.


Nathaniel pulled on V's sweatshirt and thanked him softly, still shaking violently. "T-Thank you… I love you, V…" He murmured as the other left the room.


V came back shortly with cooling towel and a glass of water, still waiting for the waffles to be done. He sat beside Nathaniel on the bed and draped the towel over his head, gently brushing back his fluffy hair. He offered him the water, gently urging him to take a few sips.


"Mmm…" Nathaniel sipped at the water when it was offered to him, fluttering his wings a bit to create a breeze around himself. "Thaaaanks… how long until food…?" He asked.


V smiled softly and steer the cup aside when Nathaniel was done drinking “soon love, five minutes I think.” He replied, shifting beside him so that Nathaniel’s head was in his lap. He gazed down lovingly at his angel and gently stroked his hair. “My poor angel, one day of wedding planing with Uriel and you’re already growing sick.” He cooed softly.


"M'not sick…" Nathaniel insisted with an indignant huff, curling up a little closer to V. "Not gonna admit it because it's not true…"


V chuckled softly and nodded “ah yes, of course. Well then, if you’re not sick, I’m sure you could get up and help with breakfast.” He arched an eyebrow and gently nudged Nathaniel’s side. “Pumpkin spice waffles are waiting.” He drawled


Nathaniel whined and huddled into the blankets, obviously not at all wanting to get up at the moment. "Noooooo… wanna stay… can't you just bring them in here…?" He asked tiredly.


He pouted softly “but when are you gonna get up if not now?” He argued lightly, “please love, you can’t just stay here all day.” He kissed his cheek and slowly started getting out of bed


"Don't wanna get up… I'll just stay here forever and die or something, I dunno…" Nathaniel buried his face in a pillow and whined louder.


(The thought of an emo Nathaniel is adorable…)
“Dear, don’t say that please. I don’t like the thought of you dead or hurt.” He gently scooped Nathaniel up in his arms along with the blankets. “If you won’t move yourself, I’ll move you.”


"Nooooo…!" Nathaniel moved his face to V's shoulder, still huffing and pouting. "Don't wanna get up… I wanna stay in bed…"


“Love, it’s alright. Once you eat you’ll feel better.” He kissed his head and set him down in the chair “promise me you won’t run back to bed if I turn my back for a moment.” He pleaded, tilting Nathaniel’s head up with a gentle hand and kissed his nose


"Too tired to get up…" Nathaniel huffed, shivering as soon as V set him down. "Why's it so fucking cold in here all the time…?"


He laughed softly “I would never let it get cold in here. It’s probably your fever. He found a few plates and was set on serving up some breakfast. “So I assume today will be a ‘stay home and cuddle’ type of day?” He asked over his shoulder, adding some cinnamon butter and whip cream to the waffles before setting a plate down in front of Nathaniel


"Mm…" Nathaniel grabbed a fork and shoved some of the waffle in his mouth. "Yeah, probably… I don't wanna go out anywhere…"