forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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"Sounds good to me." Nathaniel grabbed the shampoo and started washing his hair, humming idly to himself.


He nodded and started to bath while nathaniel washed his hair, switching with him when he had finished.


When Nathaniel finished showering, he stepped out and started toweling himself off. When his hair was dry, it puffed up immensely.


V laughed at the fluffed up hair "Darling angel, it looks like you've went through a dryer." he bit his lip to keep another laugh from escaping him and stepped out of the shaower, drying off and pulling on short and the pajama pants, leaving him with out a shirt. He shook out his wings and hair.


Nathaniel huffed and pulled on his own clothes. When he turned around and noticed V shirtless, he purred appreciatively and went over to gently run his hands over him.


He hummed softly and relaxed into Nathaniel's touch, a deep purr coming from him. "my love, are you enjoying yourself?" he asked softly, hugging nathaniel to him and cupping his cheek


Nathaniel purred happily, nuzzling against V. "I like it when you're like this." He murmured softly, his wings fluttering a bit.


he hummed softly and picked him up, bringing him back to bed and settling down beside him. "With little clothing?" he chuckled softly and brushed a gentle kiss to his lips "I'll be sure to do this more often then, within reason of course."


"Mmmm…" Nathaniel returned the kiss and purred loudly, huddling closer to Ilya. "I love you so much, V… more than I could ever say…" He fluttered his wings contentedly.


He smiled softly and kissed his head "I love you too Nath, much more than what I could say." he kissed him again and hugged him close to his chest, lightly stroking his wings as he started to hum


Nathaniel stretched up a bit when V pet his wings, purring loudly. "Mmmmm… that feels nice, love. Please continue~…"


He laughed softly in surprise, continuing to stroke his wings, starting from the very top of the wing, careful not to touch the scar, and trailing his hand all the way down to the tip of his wing. he continued the motion, occasionally fixing some feathers that were being ruffled


Nathaniel's purring jumped in volume and he pressed himself as close to V as he possibly could be. "Mmm… please, love…" His wings quivered every time they were stroked.


"hmm? please what darling creature?" he murmured, pressing a kiss to nathaniel's shoulder. he wrapped Nathaniel in his arms and smiled, lifting his hand momentarily to let Nathaniel relax


"Keep petting me…" Nathaniel melted into V's touch, still purring. "It feels so nice, darling… please go on~…" He closed his eyes and huddled close.


he laughed softly and went back to petting Nathaniel's wings. "and here i though we were going to sleep." he kissed nathaniel's cheek hugged him close, smiling down at him and purring back in response


"Well, I'm liable to fall asleep at some point during this process." Nathaniel purred happily, nuzzling up against V.


"mmm, true." he tucked nathaniel close and yawned. "I'm right here darling angel, I'm not going anywhere," he murmured sleepily when he felt nathaniel nuzzle against him. he fell into a rhythm of petting Nathaniel, trying to stay awake for a little bit longer


Nathaniel soon drifted off in V's arms, perfectly content to cuddle throughout the night. He seemed to be almost incapable of feeling hot, so being huddled up under blankets and up to a warm person was no problem for him.


He smiled sleepily when nathaniel went to sleep, pressing a kiss to his brow and cuddling him close. "Good night my angel." he whispered, stroking his wing a few more times before he too drifted off to sleep, hugging Nathaniel to his chest and curling his legs around him


Nathaniel slept in late as usual, only stirring after V left the bed. He whined loudly and buried himself in the covers, clearly not happy to be awake.


v laughed softly as he came back from brushing his teeth "I'm sorry love, i didn't mean to wake you." he came back after finishing up in the bathroom and crawled on top of him, pressing slow, long kisses over his stomach and chest.


Nathaniel whined a bit and buried himself in the covers, retreating from the onslaught of affection. "Nooo… too early…" He whined.


"what? since when is it too early to love you, hm?" he shook his head and settled beside him "no, it's never to early for that." he hugged him close, blankets and all and tangled his legs with Nathaniel's. "i'm gonna say the same to you when you want early morning kisses and I'm still asleep."