forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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“I know darling, but you sadly are.” He pressed a kiss to his head and held him with one hand while he grabbed some coldness medicine from the fridge


“I know angel, but it’ll help you not be sick anymore.” He reasoned, measuring out the medicine and handing it over to Nathaniel. “It’s not that much, so it should be alright.”


Nathaniel eyed the medicine distrustfully and hesitated before reluctantly swallowing it. He started coughing harder and grimaced at the bitter taste.


He took the small cup back and set it down. He gently patted Nathaniel’s back and laughed softly. “Are you alright?” He asked, trying to keep his amusement down


"S-Shut up, it's gross…" Nathaniel curled up a bit more against V as he clung to him. "Mmm… can I have something that tastes good?" He asked weakly.


He laughed somebody more before grabbing a glass of water. “If you drink anything with flavor it’ll just taste worse. Drink some water first.” He instructed, wrapping both arms around him and interlocking his hands behind Nathaniel’s back, holding him against him


Nathaniel whined and reluctantly did as he was told, gulping down some of the water. "When can I have something that tastes good?"


“Soon, give it 10 minutes.” He said with a smile, nuzzling his head and pressed kisses to his brow. “Want to call Urielle?”


He laughed and started walking around the room with Nathaniel in his arms. He found his phone on the table and dialed urielle’s number, smiling when he picked up.
“Hey, wanna come over? We could do more wedding planning or just hang out here.”
“Sure, is love nothing more than to Ben with you two, be there in an hour when Jarvis gets back.”


"Is he coming…?" Nathaniel asked tiredly. "My ears are ringing too much for me to hear his side of the conversation…"


He looked at his angel in concern before nudging the side of his head affectionately. “Yeah, in an hour with Jarvis. That okay?”


He shrugged and sat back down on the couch. “Don’t know, been kinda wanting to read this book I bought ages ago. Maybe that, unless you think it’s boring.” He said, gently petting him and pressing kisses to his face


"Mmm… I don't care what you do… might just take a nap…" Nathaniel sighed and yawned a bit, huddling closer to V.


He nodded and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Go ahead my angel, I’ll wake you up before they arrive.” He murmured, nudging him again before reaching over to the table and pulling the afore mentioned book and opening it on his lap


He chuckled softly and started reading his book, idly brushing Nathaniel’s hair. After a half an hour or so, V carefully detangled himself from Nath and took a quick shower


V came back shortly with fresh clothing and slightly damp hair. He gently picked Nathaniel up, cradling his angel in his arms. “Love, ready to wake up?” He asked gently, nudging Nathaniel’s head with his own. “Urielle And Jarvis will be here soon.”


"Mmm…" Nathaniel stirred a bit at the nudging and looked up at V sleepily, not very pleased to be awake when he still felt like shit.


“I’m sorry my love, but they’ll be here in a few moments.” He apologized, kissing his head and gently setting him down “want the treat now?”