"I don't wanna eat… m'not hungry…" Nathaniel mumbled tiredly. "Stomach kinda hurts…" He relaxed a bit into the other's gentle touch.
"I don't wanna eat… m'not hungry…" Nathaniel mumbled tiredly. "Stomach kinda hurts…" He relaxed a bit into the other's gentle touch.
“My poor angel,” he murmured softly with a sigh. “You’re eating,” he insisted gently. “There isn’t no way you are going a full day without eating a decent dinner, especially if you’re sick. Plus, that’ll probably help with the stomach pains.” He reasoned, smiling softly when he felt him relax.
Nathaniel whined softly and buried his face in V's shoulder. "I don't wanna… can't eat, V… stomach hurting…" He kept fidgeting, seeming uneasy.
“I know my love, but maybe eating will help, that it at least make you throw up whatever’s been making you feel this way.” He tried to reason, stroking Nathaniel’s hair. “If I given you some pain meds before dinner will you eat?”
"Mmm… I dunno… I don't wanna throw up…" Nathaniel whined, clinging tighter to V and hiding his face. "Don't wanna…"
He sighed softly, feeling helpless while his angel was feeling so terrible. “I’m sorry my love, I know you don’t want to. I just want you to be sick anymore.” He kissed his head and stood up with Nathaniel clinging to him as he went to go find some pain medicine
"Mmmm…" Nathaniel buried his face further into V's shoulder and curled his wings around himself. "Don't wanna…"
“I know sweet angel.” v murmured, finding some Advil and a glass of water for Nathaniel.
Urielle and Jarvis glanced over and offered reassuring smiles,
“Food will be done soon, 10 minutes.”
"I don't want food… m'not hungry…" Nathaniel huffed a bit as he swallowed the pain medication. "Don't wanna throw up, V."
He sighed softly and brought Nathaniel to the bedroom, settling on the bed with him still cradled In his arms, trying his best not to move around so Nathaniel wouldn’t get nauseous. “My angel, you have to eat something before tonight, you’re not going to get any better on an empty stomach.”
"Mmmmmm…" Nathaniel closed his eyes and nuzzled against V's chest. "But I don't wanna throw up, love… m'not sick and I don't wanna…"
“You won’t darling angel.” He kissed his head and sighed softly. “What am I going to do with you my stubborn angel, hm?” He asked with a small laugh, rubbing his back and humming softly
Nathaniel stuck his tongue out a bit when V kissed him, huffing indignantly. "Don't wanna be sick… so m'not…"
“I don’t think that’s how it works Nath,” v argued lightly with a laugh. “Please eat something love, if it’s not fineness than at least some crackers and cheese.” He pleaded softly, nudging into Nathaniel’s neck and pouting
"Mmmmmm…" Nathaniel whined louder and held tighter to V. "But I don't wanna… it'll make me throw up."
“Darling, I know you don’t. But you also don’t want to be sick, right?” He asked with an arched eyebrow, pressing a kiss to Nathaniel’s shoulder.
"Noooo…" Nathaniel rested his head on V's shoulder and closed his eyes with a soft huff. His skin was pretty hot to the touch by now.
He sighed softly and pressed his lips to Nathaniel’s brow, frowning when he noticed the fever wasn’t going down. “I’ll ask Jarvis if he knows anyone that could help with this after dinner, after you eat something of substance.” He said pointedly
"I don't wanna eat something of substance… it'll make me throw up…" Nathaniel huffed again, burying his face with cheeks flushed with fever in V's chest.
“Maybe that what you need to do, throw up, get whatever’s bothering you out of your system.” He said, rubbing Nathaniel’s back. “I know it’s not pleasant but you’re only gonna get worse love.”
Nathaniel whined softly. "B-But I don't think I have food poisoning or anything… so… s-so throwing up wouldn't really help…"
“Hm, true.” He sighed dramatically and wrapped his wing around Nathaniel. “We’re going to a doctor incentive I ask Jarvis if he knows any.”
Nathaniel whined dramatically and held tighter to V. "I don't wanna go to a doctor… it'll go away by itself…"
“Okay, there’s is no way you are staying here either without eating or seeing a doctor Nath. I’m serious, you’re gonna have to do ones or the other unless you have a better idea.” He said, starting to worry for Nathaniel
Nathaniel whimpered shakily and fidgeted with his hands, his heart pounding faster. "I-I don't wanna go to the doctor and I don't wanna throw up…"
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