forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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V paused in his reading and smiled softly. “I love you too, my angel.” He kissed him gently and smiled softly. “Please think about it love. I promise you I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again. I won’t force you to see them but it can’t hurt to at least talk to a doctor.”


"I just… I don't like doctors. I don't trust them. I don't trust them or their offices or their pointy things or their drugs or anything else about them…" Nathaniel sighed shakily, growing a bit tense.


“I know you don’t love.” He smoothed down Nathaniel's wings and pressed a kiss to his head. He nuzzled into Nathaniel’s neck and sighed softly, not really knowing how to make his angel feel better.


Nathaniel buried his face in V's chest and sighed shakily. "Don't wanna doctor… doctors gonna hurt me and I'll jus' get worse than before…"


“No doctor my love, I promise.” V said softly, his own wings ruffling in stress. He nuzzled close to Nathaniel and breathed In deeply, trying to calm himself


Nathaniel nodded, whimpering a bit. "I-I'm sorry if I'm being irrational, b-but I'm just really not comfortable seeing a doctor right now…"


“Love don’t apologies. First off, you’re not being irrational. I understand why you don’t want to see a doctor, I do. I just don’t like doing nothing while you progressively get more sick.” He said, looking down at his angel and gently nuzzling his head


"I-I… I'll get better on my own… I always do…" Nathaniel sighed softly. "It'll pass, love. Okay? I'm gonna be fine without the doctor…"


He took a deep breath and nodded, though his wings still remained fluffed up. “I-i know love. I’m just worried. Sorry.” He shut his eyes and tried to relax.


"Don't be… I'm the one being stupid about all this…" Nathaniel held tighter to V, his wings puffing up as well.


“No my love, don’t say that.” He murmured, nudging him gently and kissing him. “Just get some rest, darling.”


"Okay, okay…" Nathaniel closed his eyes and tried to get himself to relax so that he could sleep. "Sorry…"


“whatever for my love?” V murmured with a small smile. “You’re not doing anything wrong my dear.” He kissed his head gently and snuggle close to him


"I'm upsetting you…" Nathaniel whined, curling in on himself a bit more. "And I keep making fun of myself…"


“You’re not love, I’m just overly concerned, that’s all.” He nudged his head gently, trying to get Nath to look at him. “And hey, we all get sick. You’ll get through this, angel.”


Nathaniel sighed shakily, shifting around a bit to try and get more comfortable. "It's just… it's stupid…"


“It’s not.” V protested, nuzzling his angel and kissing him deeply. “I love you, Nath. Nothing you could possibly do would I ever consider stupid.” He said with a small smile, settling comfortable on the couch with Nathaniel, holding him close to himself.


He held him to his chest and shook his head “no my love, it’s not. Ask anyone and they’ll say it’s not.”


“Then you’re lying to yourself cuz we all know that’s not true.” V argued, nuzzling his hair and purring softly


Nathaniel huffed a bit, his wings puffing up at the nuzzling. "Or you're all lying to try and make me feel better…"


V shook his head and captured Nathaniel’s lips in tender kiss. “My love, none of us would lie to you.”