forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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"Mm…" Nathaniel huddled up against Urielle's side, his cheeks flushed with fever. He definitely looked uncomfortable, but he was also determined to not see the doctor if there was anything he could do to avoid it.


Urielle glanced down at him with a small smile, hoping that all would be alright.
V came back about an hour later, smiling and nodding at Urielle before crouching down beside Nathaniel's head and gently stroking his hair.


"V… w-why'd you leave…?" Nathaniel asked weakly, leaning into V's hand a bit with his eyes closed. His face was still flushed, and he seemed to be panting a bit in a weak attempt to cool down.


“I just needed to calm down and breath. And of course but more bagels.” He held up a bag full of plain bagels. He pressed a kiss to Nathaniel’s head. “Still not feeling good?” He asked softly, slowly standing to put away the bagels


"Mmmmmm…" Nathaniel held his arms up to V and whined needily. "Hurts, V… wanna sleep and forget about it…"


V smiled adoringly and scooped Nathaniel up, hooking him onto his waist as he went to put away the bagels. “Go ahead love, I’m here now. You can sleep. We’ll try eating more later on, Alright?” He murmured, kissing his head and nuzzling him gently


"Mmkay, V…" Nathaniel rested his head on V's shoulder and closed his eyes, purring softly now that he was safe in the other's arms. It took him a few minutes, but he eventually drifted off to sleep.


V smiled softly and kissed his back head. “Night angel.” He murmured, walking back to the living room and sitting next to Urielle.
Urielle shook his head “he seemed as if he would never rest before you came.”
V laughed softly “it seemed he wouldn’t eat before you came. I guess we both have our talents. Think Jarvis can get him to see her?”
Urielle shook his head with a small smile. “I doubt it, though it couldn’t hurt to try.”


Nathaniel huddled closer to V in his sleep, still purring weakly. He was shivering from his fever, and he generally looked pretty disheveled. He couldn't be bothered with trying to look nice.


V wrapped his Wong around the both of them to keep warm and relaxed into the couch. “Thank you, for talking him into eating.”
Urielle smiled and stood. “No problem at all. I know you hate being stern with him but sometimes that’s what he needs.” He patted Vs back and waved. “I’ll leave you two to rest.”
V nodded and winked “tell Jarvis we said hi.”
Urielle blushed softly and nodded, leaving the two angels to relax


Nathaniel nuzzled against V a bit, stirring with discomfort. He huddled up as close as he could with his wings wrapped tightly around himself. He didn't want to wake up, but it didn't look like he'd be able to stay out for long.


“My angel,” he cooked softly, standing and heading to the bedroom. “Relax my love, you’re safe. Just rest for now.” He hummed softly, pacing the room, peeking out the window and watching as the city bustled with excitement. He shut the curtains so the light wouldn’t bother them, then settled into bed with Nathaniel clinging to his chest.


Nathaniel relaxed a bit when V wrapped himself around him, his purrs jumping in volume. He tucked his head under V's head and got himself more settled, tangling himself up with V to be more comfortable.


V laughed softly and gently petted Nathaniel’s wings, a deep pur coming from him in reply to Nathaniel’s. He pressed a kiss to his fiancé’s head before pulling the sheets over them both and slowly drifting off, never once letting go of his angel


Nathaniel managed to sleep through the of the day and most of the night, groggily stirring at around five in the morning. "Mmmmmmm…."


V groaned in protest at being woken up so early, curling up around Nathaniel a bit more tightly, his wings spread behind him, fluttering lightly before settling. “Too early…” he mumbled softly, drifting back off to sleep


"V, I-I need out… p-please…" Nathaniel held his breath and desperately tried to get out of V's grasp. His wings puffed up and he seemed to be growing increasingly distressed.


V slowly loosened his hold on Nathaniel and sat up, rubbing this eyes from sleep. “Love what’s wrong?” He asked, flipping on the night stand lamp. He blinked a few times, adjusting to the light change before focusing on Nathaniel. He didn’t look any better than the day before, still flushed from fever but he didn’t look any worse.


Nathaniel managed to disentangle himself from V and ran to the bathroom to throw up, shaking violently where he was kneeling on the floor. Tears stung his eyes and he was breathing heavily, stressed and upset and generally just feeling awful.


V immediately followed Nathaniel into the bathroom, crouching down beside him and rubbing his back. He sighed softly, not like seeing Nathaniel in such pain. He pressed a kiss to his brow and stood, heading to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and a cool towel. He pressed the towel to Nathaniel’s neck and head, hoping to cool him down a bit.


Nathaniel whimpered a bit and huddled up with V, trembling in the other's arms. He sipped at the water when it was given to him and closed his eyes, his face still flushed with fever.


He scooped Nathaniel up once he had made sure he was done throwing up and sat on the edge of the bed. “We’re calling Jarvis.” He said, resting the cool towel on Nathaniel’s brow. “I’ll talk to her first, she won’t come near you.”


"N-No…" Nathaniel whined weakly, curling up into a tight ball on the bed. "I-I don't… want her to come…" He coughed a bit and winced. "P-Please, V…"


He shook his head and pressed a kiss to his head “My love, I can’t keep seeing you like this. If you won’t let her come here then I’ll ask Jarvis if we can meet somewhere else but I’m not letting you go on like this without somebody insight from a doctor if some sorts.”


Nathaniel whined shakily and tried to curl up tighter, obviously upset. "I-I don't wanna see her anywhere… not just here…" He whispered in reply.