Nathaniel pushed the food away again, still unwilling to eat it. He curled back into a tight ball,his eyes stinging with pained tears.
Nathaniel pushed the food away again, still unwilling to eat it. He curled back into a tight ball,his eyes stinging with pained tears.
Urielle found V in the bedroom, curled up in bed now fast asleep, his wings spread behind him, the same way he looked when he had fallen. Urielle took a deep breath, not wanting to think about that now. He walked over and gently rested a hand on Vs shoulder, waking him up almost immediately. “How should he doing?” He asked softly, voice barely a whisper
“He’s a stubborn thing, what do you expect?”
V sat up and laughed sadly “he’s still mad, huh?”
Urielle nodded “yes, though you’re not the only one Ron blame. I should have asked him ignored it was alright to talk to Jewel. It might’ve eased his nerves.”
V nodded and offered a small smile “Well make it up to him soo , once he gets better. He still won’t eat?”
“No. Well see if Jarvis can convince him.”
Jarvis glared down at the angel and sighed deeply. “You say you’re an adult, yet at this moment, you’re acting very childish. Nath, please at least eat the bagel if anything. You’re only going to hurt more if you don’t eat.”
Nathaniel glared right back, exhaling shakily as he hugged his stomach. "I-I don't… wanna eat…" He replied in a strained voice, wincing a bit as he did so. "It'll m-make me throw up, and… and I don't wanna throw up the meds… ah…!" He coughed a bit and whined louder, writhing in discomfort on the couch.
“So you’d rather starve?” Jarvis arched an eyebrow and knelt beside him. “The Moreno you throw up, the less nutrients your body has, the more pain you’re in. If you eat, yes you might throw up a few times but it’ll strengthen your body so that it has a chance to fight whatever this is.” He nudged the plate towards him. “Just the bagel. That’s all I ask. Then I leave you alone until tomorrow.”
Nathaniel whined again, breathing heavily as he looked up at Jarvis. "B-But if I throw up the pain meds, then… then it won't stop hurting…" He whispered weakly, still hugging his stomach and trembling where he lay on the couch.
“It’s alright. And we can give you another pill if that happens. Just eat a bit, take as much time as you need, just eat.” He said with a small encouraging smile
Nathaniel whimpered a bit and hesitated before reluctantly taking the bagel from Jarvis. He took a bite of it, already feeling sick from it. His body really didn't want to let him swallow anything.
“It’s alright, just relax. Stop trying to fight it. If you want to throw up, it’s alright. You don’t have to fight everything, there are people here that love you and want you safe.” He said softly, glancing behind him, seeing urielle or V had emerged from the bedroom
Nathaniel tried to eat some more of the bagel, but was soon bent over the trash can, throwing everything back up again. "I can't… I c-can't do it…" He whispered weakly.
Jarvis sighed softly and rubbed Nathaniel’s back. “It’s alright, you did well today. Can you drink a bit more water? We can try soup or something tomorrow. Alright?” He said, brow creased in concern
Nathaniel whimpered again and reluctantly drank more water, his eyes stinging with tears. He didn't get sick often, but it was always awful when he did.
Jarvis settled in the floor beside him and continued to rub his back. “Want me to get V?” He asked softly, having heard voices from the bedroom. “Or do you want to go over there?”
"Don't wanna move…" Nathaniel mumbled weakly in reply. "H-Hurts…" He curled in on himself a bit more, his breathing heavy and labored.
Jarvis was about to scoop him up when he felt Urielle’s hand touched his shoulder, causing him to turn. Jarvis took a step back as V came up besides him. He knelt beside Nathaniel but stayed quiet until the two older angels retired to the bedroom.
Nathaniel whimpered softly and closed his eyes, quivering where he lay and not acknowledging V for the moment. He was in a whirl of emotions and he was absolutely miserable, and he wasn't in a place where he could handle that.
“My beautiful angel.” V murmured softly, standing and scooping up his precious angel, holding him close. He pressed a kiss to his brow. “My beloved, beautiful angel, you can fight this.”
Nathaniel buried his face in V's chest, his skin pale and clammy. His breathing was heavy and uneven, his wings were puffed up with discomfort, and his body was curled up in pain.
V shifted on the couch so that Nathaniel was on top of him and his wings were around the smaller angel in a sort of blanket. V gently petted his wings, smoothing down the feathers as much as possible.
Nathaniel coughed weakly as he clung to V, his eyes stinging with tears. He was shivering where he lay on top of the other, unable to get comfortable, but too drained to try and move.
V glanced down at him and gently massaged his back, hoping to release some tension. “Want to rest now and take a shower later?” He asked softly, hugging Nathaniel close to his form as he saw Nathaniel cling to his shirt
"Mmm…" Nathaniel mumbled his assent and held tighter to V, squirming with discomfort. He just wanted to fall asleep so he could ignore the pain for a little while, but he couldn't get himself comfortable enough to fall asleep.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” V shifted again Andy scooped his angel into his arms careful not to hurt him as he carried him to the bedroom.
Urielle and jarvis stood once the other angels came into the room, having been talking quietly.
“I’m assuming this is your way of kicking us out?” Urielle Hoked, ruffling Nathaniel’s hair gently. “Alright, we get it. We’ll let you rest and come back in the morning.”
V smiled softly, glad that Urielle was trying to make light of the sun situation. He thanked them both before shutting the door behind them and settled Nathaniel into bed. He turned on a fan and brought over some blankets in case he got too cold throughout the night
Nathaniel huddled up in the blankets when they were given to him, shivering in the warm cocoon he'd made for himself out of them. "Mmmmm… h-hurts…" He mumbled weakly, keeping his eyes closed for the time being.
V settled beside Nathaniel and pressed a kiss to his brow. “I know, angel. Just get some rest.” He nudged his head gently a pulled him close to his form
"I caaaaan't…" He whined. "M'trying, V, but it doesn't work… everything hurts and my brain says no…"
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