forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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V looked down at Nathaniel, desperately wanting to take him to a doctor. “Love, please, she won’t hurt you.” He pressed their foreheads together, wishing he could take his pain away. “I’m going to call Jarvis. You don’t have to come but I’m going to talk with her.” He decided


Nathaniel whined louder in protest, still not at all happy with the situation. "I'll be fine." He insisted. "I don't wanna talk to the doctor, okay?"


“And that’s fine Nath, but I’m defiantly going to talk to them. You can stay here with Urielle while I go talk with Jarvis and his friend. If they have advice with how to hopefully make you feel better, great. If they think it’ll pass in a few days, that’s great too. I just want to make sure it’s nothing serious.” He said, gently patting Nathaniel’s brow with the cool towel.


"Why you gotta talk to them, though?" Nathaniel whispered weakly. "You can't… you can't tryst doctors… what if she lies to you to get your money?"


“I do t think she will. Most angels are on Earth are here for similar reasons we are. I don’t think there’s a reason for her to scam us. Plus, if Jarvis trusts her, then I’ll keep an open mind.” He said, nuzzling Nathaniel gently


Nathaniel huffed a bit and huddled closer to V, obviously still not convinced. "I dunno, V… doctors can't be trusted."


“My beloved angel, I truest hope you never need a doctor for the rest of your life if this is the mentality you’re going to have about them. Not everyone isn’t out to hurt you. Some just want to help.” He kissed him gently. “I trust Jarvis. I’ll make my judgement on her after we talk.”


"But how am I supposed to know which ones aren't trying to hurt me?" Nathaniel asked. "I don't wanna take that risk…"


“I’m not sure love, but you won’t get anywhere in life if you don’t take risks.” He pressed a kiss to his head and slowly stood, shifting Nathaniel around so that he was hooked around his waist. “I’ll call Jarvis soon to see when we can meet up. You can come if you’d like, or I can call Urielle to stay with you while I talk with them.”


"I don't wanna go and you can't make me go." Nathaniel curled in on himself a bit, avoiding eye contact with V. "I'm an adult, and if I don't wanna go to the doctor, I shouldn't have to."


“I would never make you do anything darling. That’s fine if you don’t want to go. I’ll call Urielle, then head out with Jarvis.” He said, walking around the living room to grab a few things. He hated arguing with Nathaniel, but he honestly didn’t know what else to do about what he was going through, and the only solution he could come up with was goin g to the doctors


"Mm…" He huffed a bit and crossed his arms, his cheeks still a bit flushed from fever. He was annoyed and he felt awful and he honestly wasn't really in the mood to talk anymore.


He glanced down at the angel in his arms and frowned softly. He nuzzled his head and pressed a kiss to his brow. “I love you and I want you to be safe. If they can help then I’m not going to outright deny their assistance, even if I don’t agree with them.” He murmured softly, pressing another kiss to Nathaniel’s cheek


"But I don't want to, and I'm the one who's sick." Nathaniel insisted, his wings puffing up a bit in irritation. "If you were the one who was sick, you could go to the doctor all you wanted. Whatever. But I don't want to."


He set Nathaniel down, his own wings a bit puffed up. “Nath, believe me, i know you don’t want to go to the doctors. I understand why. But what if this one can actually help you get better? Wouldn’t you prefer to not be sick and possibly find a doctor you trust than remain sick?” He argued, arms crossed over his chest


"I'd rather get better on my own without any of their 'help'." Nathaniel crossed his arms and looked away, drawing his knees up to his chest a bit. "It's not even all that bad. Just a stomach bug or something… it can't be that hard to get over."


“I hope that’s all that is.” He said with a small sigh. “I just want to make sure is nothing more. That’s all. If she says that you’ll be fine in a few days, great. If it’s something more serious, I want to know what it could be.”


"But if I'm gonna be fine, we shouldn't have to pay a doctor to tell me that and not even do anything to help." Nathaniel huffed, still refusing to meet V's eyes.


“We’re not paying her anything. I just want her input.” He said, leaning against the wall across from the couch.” He watched him for a moment. He understood Nathaniel’s worry, V himself took a while to trust anyone he met on Earth after he was exhumed but he eventually learned.


Nathaniel closed his eyes and sighed, hugging his stomach tightly. "B-But I don't want her input… she's just gonna tell us to do something that we don't need to do…"


“And if it’s something that could actually help?” He asked softly, brow creasing on concern when he saw Nath clutch his stomach.


V shook his head and walked back to Nathaniel’s side, kneeling in front of him. “And I don’t want to risk it ignorance this is the beginning of something worse.” He said, slight desperation in voice. “All I’m going to do is make sure nothing is serious.” He said, gently reaching over and stroking Nathaniel’s cheek


Nathaniel whined softly and closed his eyes when V touched him, obviously still uncomfortable. "But it's nothing, V…"


A brief smile crossed his features a V slowly stood up, pressing a kiss to Nathaniel’s brow. “And I’m making sure it remains nothing.” He replied softly