forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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He frowned slightly and wrapped his arms around him. He tucked him under his chin and pressed a kiss to his head. “We can stay up if you’d like. Just relax. Want me to tell you some stories?”


"S-Sure…" Nathaniel whispered in reply, breathing heavily as V pulled him closer. He was uncomfortable and uneasy, and he wasn't really sure what to do with himself.


V pressed a gentle kiss to his head and nodded. He started out softly, retelling the stories they had both heard as children as well some of their own adventures when still in heaven. A whistfull smile passed over his features as he talked about them when they were younger.


Nathaniel closed his eyes and relaxed a bit as V spoke, but he was still obviously uncomfortable. After a while he managed to pass out with a shaky sigh.


V continued on his the stories until he felt Nathaniel relax into sleep. He curled around him protectively and hugged him close to his chest. He pulled the blanket over him snugly and kissed his brow before he too drifted off


Nathaniel stayed unconscious for a while, and he had a splitting headache when he woke up. He groaned softly in pain and curled in on himself, obviously uncomfortable.


V shifted awake after a few moments, groaning softly and taking a deep breath. He hadn’t slept well either. “Morning Love.” He murmured softly, pressing a kiss to his brow. He rubbed gentle circles on his back and nudged his head. “No good today either?”


Nathaniel whimpered and shook his head, wincing as he clutched at his stomach. "Make it stop…" He whispered weakly. "P-Please…"


“It’ll go away soon.” He said softly, getting up and finding the garbage bin from the kitchen and setting it beside the bed nearest to Nathaniel. “If you can, try showering while I make breakfast, Kay? If you can’t get up, I’ll help you in a few minutes once Urielle and Jarvis come.”


"Mmm…" Nathaniel hiccuped weakly and curled up tighter, obviously not willing to get up yet. He probably wouldn't be getting up until V returned to help him, which could be a little while.


Eventually, while V had started breakfast, Urielle and Jarvis came by. He greeted them and explained how Nathaniel was doing, all still concerned but they knew the angel wouldn’t let a doctor see him.
“Go help him, we’ll finish breakfast.” He said, smiling softly and nodding to the bedroom.
V smiled gratefully And went to go help Nathaniel. He sat beside him in bed and gently stroked his hair “ready angel?”


"Mmmmm… don't wanna get up…" Nathaniel mumbled tiredly, curling in tighter on himself with a soft huff. "Who's here…?" He asked. "It better not be a doctor…"


“I know beautiful creature, but you need a bath.” He scooped his angel up in his arms and carried him to the bathroom. “No, it’s Urielle and Jarvis. They’re making breakfast now.” He said, setting him down. “Pull of your clothes, I’ll be back in a second with new ones.” He said, closing the door to give Nathaniel some privacy


"Mmmm…" Nathaniel got undressed and wrapped a towel around himself, trembling from the cold. "Mmmmmm… V…? Are you coming back…?" He asked weakly.


V eventually found one of his hoodies for Nathaniel to wear way in the back of the closet. He poked his head inside of the back room and set the clothes down before scooping up his angel. He nudged his head gently before setting him down in the tub and kneeling in front of him. “Let me know if it’s too cold, alright?” He said, turning on shower head and letting it run for a bit


Nathaniel whined softly and shivered at first. "Coooold… make it hot…" He murmured. He wrapped his wings around himself as he quivered from the cold and from his fever.


“Give it a second love.” He touched the water and turned up the hot water a bit more before touching it again. “There, that should be alright. How bout now?” He asked, running the water over Nath’s back and wings.


"Mmm… a little better, I guess…" Nathaniel curled up into a tight ball in the water, still shivering. He closed his eyes with a shaky sigh.


V turned it up a bit more, just enough to warm Nathaniel, not to burn him. He rinsed Nath over before adding shampoo and massaging his hair and scalp. “Relax a bit love.” He said softly, noticing how tense he had gotten


"Mmmmmm…" Nathaniel kept his eyes shut while V washed his hair, still quivering in the water even though it was plenty hot now. "Don't wanna…"


“And why not my stubborn angle?” He asked, continuing to massage his scalp. “Close your eyes.” He said, waiting a bit before rinsing our the soap and Washing once more


"Because I like being in a ball… makes me feel safer…" Nathaniel kept his eyes closed while V rinsed out his hair. "Are you almost done…?"


He glanced away for a moment, the feeling of being helpless plague in general him again. He soon finished and tinded Nathaniel off completely “yeah, all done.” He stood, pausing for a moment before he wrapped Nathaniel in a hug and rested his head on his angel’s shoulder. “I know you’re still mad at me for the doctor thing and that’s fine. Just know that I love you. And I want you to be safe. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He said softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek and leaving the room to allow for Nath to dress


Nathaniel sighed and dried himself off before dressing himself in some of V's old comfortable clothes. He then headed back into the bedroom to curl up under the covers in bed, trying to warm himself back up as he shivered.


Urielle came into the bedroom shortly after and sat beside Nathaniel. “Time for breakfast.” He said softly, gently touching Nath’s shoulder. “Ready to go downstairs?”