forum one on one?
Started by @Festive_Fenrir

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"Mmm… a little bit, I guess…" Nathaniel sprawled out on the bed so he wouldn't be so bunched up and hot. "Still hot…"


“I am love, I am. Just give me a second to find a shirt.” He said, finally finding a short sleeved shirt and passingly it Nathaniel. “This should be better better.” He said


V came back and settled beside Nathaniel, gently pulling him close. “Gown about now?” he rested his head on Nathaniel’s shoulder and glanced at him


He frowned slightly but pulled away from him. He sighed softly and stood from the bed to give Nathaniel space to be more comfortable. “Want me to stay or do you want to get some rest?”


"You can do whatever you want, I don't fucking care…" Nathaniel sprawled out further on the bed to try and cool himself off.


V nodded slightly and left the room, heading to the living room. He’d come back later to check on Nath but for now he’s give him space. He flopped down on the couch.


Nathaniel was pretty much starfishing on the bed at this point, sprawling out at much as possible on the bed to cool off. He whined and stirred pretty frequently.


“I’m assuming our warrior is fighting a battle?” Urielle asked once V came in. V nodded and layed back on the couch. “Yeah, he’s not too happy right now.”
Urielle nodded “well, he has to learn one way or another on gown to deal with it.”


Nathaniel moved more on the bed, curling up into a tight ball and then spreading out, constantly stuck between too hot and too cold to be comfortable. "V…" He called out after a while, whining loudly.


The three angels looked towards the bedroom where Nathaniel called out. V laughed softly and shook his head, standing up and heading over. “Yes my love?” He asked, leaning against the doorframe and watching Nathaniel


"It's hoooot…" He whined, sprawling out on the bed again. "Can I have some water or something…? Jus'… jus' make it stop, please…"


“I’ll see what we can do.” He sighed softly and went to the kitchen to find water and a cool rag. He went back to their bedroom and sat beside him. “Scoot over beautiful angel.” He said softly, handing him water and gently patting Nathaniel’s head with the cool towel


"Mm…" Nathaniel closed his eyes and sipped at the water while V put the towel on his forehead. "I want it to stop, V…" He whispered weakly. "Make it stop…"


“I know sweet angle. Be patient, it’ll go away soon.” He said softly, continuing to dab at his head. “The lady Jarvis knows is still an option if you want her advice.” He said softly, settling beside Nathaniel but still not close enough to touch. “That is, if you want.”


"Nooooo…" Nathaniel whined and huffed indignantly. "Don't wanna see the doctor lady… I don't trust her… I'm sure I'll be fine on my own."


Nathaniel shook his head a bit and sighed shakily, curling in on himself a bit. "I-I don't wanna see her… don't like doctors…"


He nodded “alright. You don’t have to see her.” He glanced at the door way when he heard shuffling and smiled softly at Urielle and Jarvis.
“We have to get going you two. We won’t be able to come over tomorrow but do call us if you need to.” Urielle said, hugging both of them. Jarvis did the same before following his fiancé out the door


Nathaniel waved goodbye to Urielle and Jarvis before closing his eyes. "Getting sick is stupid… and… and dumb…"


V chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to husband head “it really is lovely, but you’ll get through this eventually.” He reassured, standing to go to the bathroom to rinse the towel again under cold water