forum one on one?
Started by @Festive_Fenrir

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"Mmmm… noooooo…" Nathaniel turned over on the bed and coughed a bit. "M'gonna stay here… don't wanna eat. Not hungry…" He mumbled tiredly.


Urielle breathed a sigh through his nose and nodded “alright. Well save some food for you in case you want any later. We’ll be in the living room if you need anything.” He said, ruffling Nathaniel’s hair beforehand leaving him to rest

V glanced up when Urielle came back in, eyes full of worry.
Urielle shook his head “if he doesn’t want to eat now, fine. We can’t force him. He’ll eat eventually.” He said, sitting beside Jarvis And resting his head inn his shoulder


Nathaniel curled up tighter on the bed, shaking and coughing loudly enough that he could be heard from the living room. His wings were quivering like leaves in the wind, but he tried to wrap them around himself regardless in an attempt to preserve some heat.


V looked up again, his worry still evident. Urielle glanced over at him and shook his head. “He’ll be alright V. let him get up he wants. He’ll eventually need to come out anyways if he wants to take the pill.”


After a long while, Nathaniel shuffled out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, where he began rummaging through the cabinets for his pain medication. He was growing increasingly frustrated with his blurry vision, which made it harder to find what he needed.


Jarvis stood from his spot, gently nudging Urielle off of him and walked over to Nathaniel. He found the pill bottle and set it on the counter though it was still in his grasp. “You can have these when you eat something.” He said softly, scooping Nathaniel up and setting him down on the counter.


Nathaniel whined softly in protest, wincing when Jarvis picked him up. "B-But I'm not hungry, and… and everything hurts…" He tried to reach for the pills, his wings puffing up a bit in distress. "P-Please, Jarvis…"


“Everything hurts because you haven’t eaten in days. I’ll give you these once you’ve eaten something and kept it down. If you throw up, fine, we’ll try again.” He reasoned. “If you can’t keep anything down today, I’ll give you the other ones tonight.” He said, pouring a bowl of chicken soup for Nath and nudging It towards him.


"Everything is more than just my stomach." Nathaniel huffed a bit. "Everything hurts, Jarvis. Please…" He glared at the soup distrustfully, his eyes full of resentment. He really didn't want to have to throw up again, but he also didn't want to be in pain. But if he threw up, Jarvis wouldn't give him medicine anyway.


“I know Nath. But we have to start somewhere. The pills won’t do much without strength.” He pulled a chair over from the table and sat backwards in it. He also brought the trash can over, just in case. “Neither of us are going anywhere until you eat something.” He said, setting the pills behind him on the table


Nathaniel shifted uncomfortably and looked away towards the living room, hoping that V would come to his rescue, but knowing he probably wouldn't. He still wasn't particularly pleased with V anyway. After a few minutes of simply staring around the room, Nathaniel reluctantly picked up the bowl of soup and stuck a spoonful into his mouth.


Jarvis nodded slowly and started rambling off stories, nothing too specific, some about his life, some of stories he had heard on earth, anything to take Nathaniel’s mind off throwing up the food. At one point or another he started telling him about his dreams for the future and what he had planned so far his life to Ben like with Urielle.


Nathaniel coughed a few times while eating, trying his best not to throw up so that Jarvis would let him have some medicine. His eyes were watering and he generally seemed pretty uncomfortable. When he'd eaten about half the bowl, he looked up at Jarvis with a shaky whine.


Jarvis glanced up and took a deep breath. He stood and handed Nathaniel the medicine and some water. “I still want you to aeat a bit more, you don’t have to eat all Igbo it but two Moreno bites, okay?”


"O-Okay…" Nathaniel swallowed the pills and exhaled shakily, taking a few seconds to catch his breath and to make sure he wouldn't throw up. When he was sure he was okay, he returned to his soup.


Jarvis smiled softly “thank you Nath, for at trying. Want a bagel? Or should we keep to soup for now?” He asked softly, waving the bag that had mini bagels in them.


Nathaniel weakly shook his head and closed his eyes. "N-No, I'll throw up if I eat more than this…" He replied, quivering where he was sitting on the counter.


Jarvis nodded and set the bag back down. “That’s fine. You did well today. Want me to save you some for dinner then?” He suggested, holding a small Tupperware bowl.


"I dunno if I'll be able to eat dinner or not, though…" Nathaniel coughed a bit and carefully slipped off of the counter, stumbling when he landed.


He shrugged and set a bit aside. “Just in case you do want to eat.” Jarvis came over, just in case he fell over. “Want to go back to the bedroom or you can join us if you’d like. We’re not doing anything to exciting, just watching some movies.” He explained


"Mm…" Nathaniel shuffled out of the kitchen and flopped down onto the couch beside V, curling up into a ball where he was and whining needily. His wings puffed up and he huffed a bit, obviously uncomfortable and annoyed.


V glanced down and gently pulled Nathaniel into his lap. He ran his hand through Naths hair, combing through the knots and nuzzling his cheek, purring softly. Jarvis came back into the living room, setting the trash can next to the couch and settling beside Urielle, nuzzling into his neck and lacing their hands together


Nathaniel was too tired to try and pull away from V, so he just allowed the other to do whatever he wanted to him. He closed his eyes and purred weakly as his fiance held onto him, curling his wings around himself to keep warm.


V relaxed slightly when Nath didn’t move away and wrapped his own wing around Nathaniel.he continued to lightly pet Nathaniel’s while his other hand rested in his wings.


Nathaniel yawned a bit and huddled closer, whining whenever the movies got too loud for his liking. He shifted around frequently as he struggled to get comfortable in V's lap.