“Nath, you’re only going to feel worse without food. Urielle said you can take the pills at anytime but you have to have eaten or eat afterwards.” V urged gently
“Nath, you’re only going to feel worse without food. Urielle said you can take the pills at anytime but you have to have eaten or eat afterwards.” V urged gently
Nathaniel huffed indignantly, keeping his arms folded tightly over his stomach. "Don't wanna throw up again…" He insisted.
V remained silent for a moment, just holding him for a moment.
“My angel, I don’t want to fight you anymore. I only want you to get better.” He set him down gently and ran a hand through his hair. “I love you. More than anything and anyone. I understand you don’t want to feel more pain than you’re in but you’ll only feel more if you don’t at least try.” He took a deep breath and sat on the floor in front of him
"Well, I'm pissed off at you right now!" Nathaniel shied away from V's touch and huffed again, obviously annoyed. "Not only did you go against my wishes; you went behind my back to get Urielle to talk to the doctor. She even said that I'll be fine! So can you just drop it?! You know how I feel about doctors and you forced it upon me! I'm not just gonna be okay with that, V!"
“I never went behind your back Nath. I told you I’d talk to Jarvis about the doctor. Urielle offered to go in my place since he knew you wouldn’t like me going.” He stood and ran a hand through his hair. “No Nath, I can’t just drop it. I can’t just stand there and do nothing while the one I love is suffering or in pain. You should know that better than anyone! I didn’t force you to do anything. I only wanted to help you.” He turned away, wings shaking. “I’m not okay with feeling helpless.” He muttered over his shoulder before he disappeared into the bathroom
Nathaniel huffed and got up unsteadily from the couch, heading outside to get some air. He was still pissed off and regardless of intentions, he wasn't at all pleased with V at the moment. He sat outside and closed his eyes, drawing in a few deep, wavering breaths.
V ran a warm shower for a good hour, needing to calm his nerves and just to breath.
Urielle glanced down at the small angel and sighed softly. “I’m assuming you and Valderian don’t want to talk do you?” He took a deep breath and scooped Nathaniel up. “Do you want to stay out here? Or are you going to eat?”
"Mm…" Nathaniel huddled up in Urielle's arms, quivering a bit. "Don't wanna eat… it'll make me throw up…" He mumbled. "And yeah, V and I aren't really talking right now…"
“It might. But it might stay down this time as well. Can at least try? You need to have something in your belly if you’re going to take the new medications.” Urielle explained as Ben brought him back inside. “Don’t be too upset with him Nathaniel. You know he cares about you deeply and only wants to help.” He set nethaniel down on the counter while he looked at what V had made, trying it a bit and smiling. “It tastes good..” he drawled, trying to get Nath to eat anything
"I know he had good intentions, but he knows how I feel about doctors and he still pushed it after I told him that I didn't want him to." Nathaniel huffed a bit and turned his head away from the food, obviously not wanting to eat. "And then he called you to get you to do his dirty work for him because he thought it would make me less pissed off with him."
“I offered to go in his place. He never asked me.” Urielle corrected, sighing softly when Nathaniel refused to eat the food. “Nath. I know it’s hard for you to trust anyone, especially after what happened to you as a child. But do your honestly thing Valderian would ever let anything happen to you? Do you think he’d take that risk? Do you think me and Jarvis would?” He gave him a pointed look before finding some bagels and putting them in the toaster, glancing over his shoulder when he heard Jarvis come in.
Nathaniel huffed again and looked away, his arms crossed. "I already said that I don't care about his intentions. I'm an adult and I should be able to make my own decisions. If I don't want to go to a doctor, he shouldn't go over my head to talk to one, especially when I've already expressly told him over and over that I'm not okay with it."
Urielle smiled softly and pressed a kiss to Jarvis’ cheek when he hugged him. “You try for a bit. He’s not eating with me or Valderian.”
“Is that so?” Jarvis glanced over at Nathaniel and laughed softly.
Urielle nodded before heading off to find V. Jarvis crosses his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter. “If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be mad at him right now.”
"I care about the situation, his intentions aside. I'm saying that his actual intent doesn't matter to me right now because he still went against my will to do something I told him I didn't want him to do." Nathaniel replied.
“Wouldn’t you do the same if you knew it would help him? You know everything he does is for you’re good, right? Even when you were kids, he cared solely for you, putting aside his own worries despite norm know where you were for a period of time. Not being able to care for you now hurts him more than what he’s willing Ron let show. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be mad at him. He didn’t listen when it said no to a doctor. But I wouldn’t be so mad at him either.” He shoved off of the counter and handed him the plate with the bagels. “Eat. I don’t care what but you are eating.”
"I don't want to eat, Jarvis." Nathaniel pushed the plate away from himself and crossed his arms over his stomach. "And… I'll probably still be pissed off for a while. He still didn't listen to me and he knows how I feel about doctors, and went against me directly telling him that I didn't want anything to do with her. I just… I wish he would listen to me. I'm gonna be fine without the doctor's help. It's just a stupid stomach bug and I'm fine…"
Jarvis set the plate aside and tilted his head at Nathaniel. “You wouldn’t listen either if there was something you’d could do to help the one you love.” He found the pills Urielle had brought and poured a glass of water beforehand handing it off to Nathaniel. “These work better when you eat something.” He leaned back against the couch and took a deep breath. “You both are as stubborn as ever. You know that right?”
"I know I am, and I stand by it." Nathaniel pushed the glass away as well and headed over to curl up on the couch, still hugging his stomach. "How do I know the doctor isn't trying to poison me or something?"
Jarvis rilled his eyes and followed Nathaniel to living room. “I doubt my sister would do that to the son of the angel I’m about To marry.” He said with a small smile. “Despite you both being stubborn, I think you’re want to get better overall overrides that.”
Nathaniel huffed a bit and curled up tighter, quivering a bit where he was laying. "I-I'll get better just fine on my own… I don't… I d-don't need… her help…" He started breathing a bit heavier and closed his eyes, a feverish flush deepening on his cheeks.
“Alright, if you want to keep taking the other pills that’s fine. These will be here if you want them.” He said, setting them down on the table. Urielle came back a few moments later. He shook his head when Jarvis looked around for V. “You two are both ridiculous
Nathaniel whined shakily, curled up into a tight ball at this point. His nausea had mingled itself with intense pain, and considering he was also feverish and starving and dehydrated, he felt absolutely awful. He wanted to drink something, but he was both too in pain to grab any and too stubborn to admit he needed it.
Urielle knelt beside Nathaniel and brushed his hair back. “Nath, you need to eat something. These stomach pains are going to get worse. And then we’re going going to have to take you to a doctor, whether you like it or not.” Urielle said, offering the pills again and the water.
Nathaniel reluctantly accepted the pills and water from Urielle and swallowed them, still trembling where he lay. "I'm f-fine… I'm sure it'll pass soon and I'll be fine and I won't have to go see the doctor…"
“Let’s hope not. Now eat.” He nudged the bagel towards him. “There’s rice and dumplings as well if you decide you want more.” He said, standing up and watching him for a moment before going’s off to get V
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