“Nathaniel, you didn’t eat at all yesterday and look what happened. You’re eating today. It’ll fill your belly and give you some energy. If you do end up throwing up, that’s fine. Well give you some pain meds and have you eat something a bit later. But you’re not going another day without eating.” Urielle said, looking at Nathaniel pointedly before softening his gaze and petting the smaller angel’s hair. “You’ll feel better soon, don’t worry.”
"Mmmmmnnngh…" Nathaniel whined weakly at Urielle, curling his wings tightly around himself to hide his shivering a bit. "But I don't wannaaaa… eating will make me throw up… don't wanna throw up, Urielle…" He lapsed into a coughing fit, struggling to breathe properly.
Urielle scooped him up gently and rubbed his back “Nath, I know you don’t want to. But it’s not going to help your condition if you don’t eat anything. We’ll start off with something soft like eggs. Then later we’ll try something else. Plus you can take the cold medicine afterwards.”
Nathaniel whimpered a bit and huddled up against Urielle's chest, hugging his torso tightly. He was clearly in a good deal of pain and discomfort, and he really didn't want any more to occur from eating something. "Hurts…"
“I know but it’s going to hurt more if you don’t eat.” Urielle said, setting Nathaniel down for a moment before grabbing a plate of breakfast and setting it down in front of him along with a lightly toasted bagel.
Nathaniel just stared at the food resentfully for a few seconds before reluctantly picking up the bagel and taking a bite of it. He chewed for a while, struggling to get his body to allow him to swallow.
Urielle nodded softly when Nathaniel ate some of Thebes bagel, glad that at least he was trying. He serves some orange juice along with some pain killers before he too sat down and ate the breakfast. “I’m assuming you’re refusing to I see a doctor as well, huh?” He mused
"Mm…" Nathaniel gagged a bit when he tried to swallow, starting to gulp down his juice so he wouldn't throw up. He managed to keep everything down and then took his pills. "I-I don't trust doctors…"
“Not many do. That’s understandable.” He leaned back in his chair, wings slightly spread out so he wasn’t more comfortable. “We’ll see how you are after today. If things don’t start getting better, I’ll ask Jarvis to call someone he knows.”
Nathaniel whimpered softly and curled up in his chair a bit. "I-I don't wanna see a doctor… I'll… I'm sure I'll be fine, okay? This is probably just a stupid stomach bug…"
“I never said they were a doctor.” Urielle replied, taking a sip of his coffee and looking at Nathaniel. “Most likely, yes. But just in case it’s not, we’ll have her check you over.” He set his cup down, noticing how uneasy Nathaniel was getting. “Nath, I promise you, neither me, nor Valderian are ever going to let you go through anything like you’ve been through up there ever again. Okay?”
Nathaniel looked up at Urielle weakly, his eyes shining a bit. "I can't… p-please… I c-can't do it…" He whispered. "Please don't make me, Urielle…I really don't wanna see the doctor…"
Urielle stood and walked over to Nathaniel, kneeling in front of him. “I know you don’t like them Nath. Not many do. But she said going to help you feel better, she’s not going to touch you. But that’s for later, if you seem to get better then I won’t call them.”
Nathaniel looked away, biting down on his lip and fidgeting anxiously with his hands. "B-But I… I'm am adult, and… a-and if I don't wanna see the doctor, I-I shouldn't h— h-have to…"
“You’re right, you shouldn’t. All I’m suggesting is you talk to her. But if you don’t want to, then fine.” He shrugged and straightened. “Who knows, you might like her. Jarvis and I have met her before. She’s very kind.” He sighed softly and finished his coffee, humming softly as he brought the empty dishes to the sink to be washed
Nathaniel rested his head back on the counter, noticeably trembling where he sat. "I-I don't wanna go, p-please… I'll get over it, I'll… I'll be fine without the doctor, okay?"
Urielle shrugged and nodded. “Alright. But Igbo this doesn’t get better by tomorrow, we talk to her. Nothing more. Just talking. Okay?” He said, glancing down at him as he continued to wash dishes. “Nath, we promise you, we’re not here to hurt you or put you in any danger. All of us want to help you Nath, me, Jarvis, and especially Valderian.”
"But the doctor might… and… and what if she tries to fix me but she messes it up and I'm permanently screwed up again? What if she stabs me and I gotta have a kidney removed or something? I-I just… I c-can't…"
“Nathaniel, none of that is going to happen. No e of us are going to let that happen. And you’re not messed up or screwed up.” He scooped up the angel and shook his head. “Nath, not everyone’s in tHe world is out to hurt you. You’re safe here.” He sighed softly and looked at him. “You’re a very paranoid angel, arencha?” He laughed softly and hugged him close. “You’re safe. All we want to do is keep you that way.”
Nathaniel clung tightly to Urielle and buried his face in the other's shoulder, his wings hanging low behind him. He was obviously still stressed and upset, and he wasn't much in the mood for talking.
He sighed softly and ruffled Nathaniel’s hair. He arched an eyebrow and smiled softly. “Want more breakfast? You seem alright now.”
Nathaniel shook his head a bit. "Not hungry…" He mumbled, tightening his grip on Urielle. He honestly still felt pretty awful, especially with all the stress he was under.
“Alright, maybe later then.” He rubbed Nathaniel's back and sat on the couch. “Nath, I’m not trying to scare you. I just want you to get better. If you don’t want to see a doctor, fine. But this can take go on for long.”
"I don't wanna see the doctor… she's gonna hurt me…" Nathaniel whispered. "I don't want her to hurt me, Urielle… when… when's V coming back?" He asked weakly.
“No one’s going to hurt you Nath.” Urielle reassured. He shrugged and settled on the couch. “I’m not sure, he didn’t say.”
V had gone off to the park, needing to relax and to breath. He needed to calm down, nothing that had happened before was happening again, Nath was just sick. He was going to be alright, even without a doctor. He wasn't severely hurt And he wasn’t going anywhere. With a deep calming sigh, he stood and started to head back home