forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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Nathaniel sighed shakily and held tighter to V. "You did when I was younger… t-to make me feel better. You said I was gonna be okay…"


V paused for a moment, knowing that Nath was right. How many times had he promised they’d be okay and then the complete opposite happened? He pressed his lips to Nathaniel’s head and took a deep breath. “You’re going to be okay. You’re going to through whatever is making you sick and we’re goin get to get married. Things might happen that make that hard but we’re going to be okay.” He promised, pulling back gently and looking down at his precious angel.


Nathaniel rubbed at his eyes a bit and sighed shakily. "H-How do you know? How do you know that I'm gonna be okay? For… f-for all I know, this is some horrible, chronic illness, and I… I could die from whatever this stupid illness is. The chances are low, but… b-but you can't just promise me that everything is going to be okay because we don't know…"


He took in a breath and nodded. “You’re right love, I don’t know if everything will be alright. But if I worry about what could go wrong I’m going to drive both of to the point if insanity. To prevent that from happening, I’m going to assume that you’re going to be alright because that’s all I can do.”


Nathaniel sighed again, burying his face in V's chest and quivering a bit in his arms. "B-But I don't— like— being lied to…" He choked a bit and coughed, shaking more violently.


He gently stroked his hair and shook his head. “Love, I wouldn’t lie to you intentionally. Im promising you things will be alright. That doesn’t mean that’ll happen all the time but for now, we’re okay.”


Nathaniel sniffled a bit and clung tighter to V. "B-But… but I don't wanna be lied to…" He whimpered weakly. "I don't wanna…"


“It’s not lying, think of it more as being optimistic about the present and hoping things will continue that way later on.” V pressed a kiss to his cheek and carried Nathaniel to the bedroom, ready to get some sleep


"Mmmmmm…" Nathaniel whined weakly, burying his face in V's shoulder. "But optimism is just lying to yourself… p-pretending that everything is okay when it isn't…"


“Id prefer to be optimistic then assuming the worst.” V argued gently, setting Nathaniel down so he could change. “I’ll be right back.” He said, disappearing into The bathroom with clean pajamas


Nathaniel was curled up tightly on the bed by the time V returned, wrapping his wings around himself while he quivered. He had his eyes closed, but he wasn't quite asleep yet.


V came back after a few minutes just in oh pants, letting his wings drag behind him as he slowly got into bed and curled up around Nathaniel, tucking him safely under his chin. “It’s going to Be okay, Nath. You’ll see.” He whispered softly, kissing him tenderly.


"Mm…" Nathaniel yawned a but and huddled closer to V so he could be more comfortable. "G'night…" He mumbled, soon drifting off to sleep.


“Sleep well my angel.” He murmured, drifting off as well, his wings wrapping around them both as they slept throughout the night.


V carefully untangled himself from Nathaniel and made a quick call to Urielle, asking him to come over.
“Is everything alright?” The older angel asked.
V hated the sharp concern in his guardian’s voice, hated to make him worry.
V took a deep breath. “Yeah, I just need a few hours out of the house and I don’t want to leave Nath alone.”
Urielle was silent for a few moments before answering, knowing that there was more on V’s mind. “Alright, I’ll be over soon. Jarvis has to cover all morning shift so I’ll drop important off and go over in a few minutes.”
V exhaled a breath and thanked him before hanging up


Nathaniel stirred a bit as V spoke, whining quietly, but not quite waking up yet. He curled up tighter in the covers with his wings wrapped around his trembling form. His cheeks were lightly flushed, and his breathing was labored and wheezy. He obviously wasn't better yet.


V walked back into the room and pressed a kiss to Nathaniel’s head. “I love you.” He whispered softly, heading to the kitchen to start a breakfast and to wait for Urielle to get there.


Nathaniel coughed weakly in his sleep and whined a bit, his wings puffing up with discomfort. He opened his eyes and looked around blearily. Not seeing V, he dragged himself to his feet and stumbled into the bathroom to throw up.


“You’re sure you’re alright, Valderian?” Urielle’s asked as he entered the small home. V nodded and grabbed a jacket. “Yeah, I just need to calm down a bit.” He reassured, smiling softly and leaving before Urielle could question him further. Urielle sighed and headed to the bathroom, having heard Nathaniel.
“Hey, it’s me. You doing okay?” He asked, kneeling beside the small angel and gently rubbing his back. “V went out for a bit. Hell be back soon.”


Nathaniel whined weakly, his wings limp and quivering behind him where he was kneeling on the bathroom tiles. "W-Where did he go…?" He asked, his voice a bit hoarse from throwing up.


“I’m not entirely sure. He said needed some time out of the house.” He said softly before grabbing a towel from the drawers and running it under cool water. He pressing it to Nathaniel’s head. “I’m assuming you didn’t eat anything last night after you left, right?” He asked, a slight sternness in his voice. He knew V would be gentle with Nathaniel, never wanting to push him too far or upset him. Urielle wanted to do the same but he also knew that Nathaniel would get any better if he pushed things aside and waited around for them things to get better. He hadn’t learned that from his years with the boys as well as with Jarvis.


"Mm…" Nathaniel leaned into the cool washcloth with his eyes closed, clearly weak and tired. "N-No, I haven't eaten anything… I wasn't hungry…" He curled in on himself, just laying helplessly on the floor as he hugged his stomach.


Urielle nodded and scooped Nathaniel up. “Well, I’m sure you’re hungry now.” He said, setting him down in a chair before heading over to the stove to start preparing some eggs and a few pieces of bacon.


"Mmmmmmm…" Nathaniel rested his head against the cool countertop with a soft groan. "Nooooo… I don't wanna throw up again… eating is gonna make me throw up…"