"Mmm…" Nathaniel curled in on himself when V left, clearly unhappy to be alone. He kept mostly quiet, however, and just tried to fall asleep.
"Mmm…" Nathaniel curled in on himself when V left, clearly unhappy to be alone. He kept mostly quiet, however, and just tried to fall asleep.
V went to eat with Urielle and Jarvis, enjoying the dinner as well as talking with them about more wedding planning. He voiced his concerns to Jarvis about Nathaniel, not wanting to bring in a doctor but also wanting to have an option in case Nath got worse.
“I do have a friend that took a few years hear on Earth in the medical field, I’m sure she’d be more than willing to come down and check up on him if his condition doesn’t improve.” Jarvis reassured, “just call me if he does need her.”
V nodded in thanks and finished off his dinner.
“We’ll leave you two to rest. I’m sure Nathaniel isn’t all to happy about being left alone for so long.” Urielle said with a small smile, hugging V tightly before leaving the apartment with Jarvis
Nathaniel looked up weakly when V came back in, panting softly. His cheeks were flushed and he generally just looked like he felt awful. "Mmmm…" He curled in on himself a bit as he looked at his fiance. "Hullo…?"
V sat beside Nathaniel and gently pressed his hand to his head “hi, angel.” He settled beside him on the bed and pulled Nathaniel on top of him. “Still feeling shitty, huh?” He asked softly, nudging their heads together
"Mm…" Nathaniel buried his face in V's chest and clung tightly to him. He mumbled his assent and curled his wings around himself, quivering violently with fever.
He sighed softly and pressed a kiss to his head, not caring if he got sick as well. “I asked Jarvis about the doctor, he said he knows an angel that worked in the medical field. If you ever want to see her, he gave me her number.” He suggested lightly, not wanting to upset Nathaniel but also knowing that he wasn’t going ointments to get better by doing nothing
"Noooo…" Nathaniel whined weakly. "Don't wanna doctor… wanna sleep…" He clung tighter to V, his wings puffing up and quivering again. "I'm f-fine…"
“Alright, alright. No doctor yet.” He hugged Nathaniel close and pressed a kiss to his head. “Get some rest love, I’ll wake you up again for the dose of medicine.” He wrapped Nathaniel in blankets as well as his wing and cuddled up with him.
"Mmmm…" Nathaniel huddled closer to V and sniffled a bit before drifting off to sleep in the other's arms. He curled up tightly in his blankets to try and keep himself warm.
He pressed a kiss to his head and gently petted Nathaniel's wings, purring softly at the same time. He thought over the weddings coming up, excited that both Irielle and Jarvis and him and Nathaniel were going to finally be able to Be together without judgement or punishment
Nathaniel stayed asleep for a fairly long time, pretty much just dead to the world at this point. Eventually, he woke up again, whining softly in distaste. He clearly didn't want to be awake.
V had turned on asome music and had managed to get up and find a book once Nathaniel had fallen not a deep slumber. When he wake, V was contently indulging in his most current story, one of fairytale lands and a whirlwinds romance. He glanced down at the small angel and nudged his head “hi love.” He murmured, putting a bookmark on the he page he was on and setting the book aside. He cradled his angel close to his chest and stood, walking to the kitchen to ready the next dose of medicine
"Mmmmm…" Nathaniel closed his eyes again and buried his face in V's shoulder, whining softly. He kept hoping that sleeping would make him feel better, but he still felt just as awful every time he woke up. Now he was feeling worse than ever and was just hoping that the medicine would work…
“I’m assuming that was a greeting.” V laughed softly and handed Nathaniel the small cup. He Saturday down with him in his lap and sighed softly. “Angel please, seeing her will only help you. I promise, if they try to do anything you don’t need feel comfortable, she’ll leave.” He said softly, brows creased in worry for husband angel's health
Nathaniel whined in protest and quickly swallowed down his medicine. "D-Don't wanna doctor… I'll… I'll be fine…" He coughed a bit, beginning to shake more violently in V's arms. "Nngh…"
He bunched his mouth to the side in thought, pressing a quick kiss to Nathaniel’s head. “What if I saw her? She comes here, I tell her about your condition and she gives tells me what we should do next. You can just listen in from the bedroom. You don’t even have to see or talk to her.” He suggested with a small tilt of his head, sitting on the couch and hugging the other close to stop his shaking as much as he could
"I-I dunno, maybe… she's… she's bound to want to see me, though, and I don't want her to see me…" Nathaniel fidgeted nervously, clearly stressed and uneasy. "I don't like doctors…"
He glanced down at him “I know love, they make me uneasy too.” He took a deep breath and rested his head back on the couch. “How in the world have you survived all these years without a doctor, hm?” He asked with a small smile, gently stroking nathaniel’s hair
"Uhm… expedited healing abilities?" Nathaniel smiled sheepishly. "And lots of pushing through pain. You get used to it after a while…"
He hook his head “You shouldn’t Ben used to pain.” He frowned softly, his mind wandering back to when they were both younger. Shaking himself slightly from his thoughts, he hugged Nathaniel close and offered a small smile of encouragement. “We’ll give it a few days.”
"Mm…" Nathaniel huddled closer to V and sighed, his wings fluffing up again as he shivered. He was clearly hot and uncomfortable, but he was trying his best to ignore it.
He brushed aside his hair. “My poor angel.” He cooed adoringly. “How did you even get sick? We weren’t near anyone who was.” He shook his head adjusted his hold on the other, trying to make him comfortable
"I-I dunno… weather, maybe…?" Nathaniel shivered again and huddled closer to V, whining in discomfort.
“Maybe.” He said, Nudging Nathaniel and gently petting his wings. He curled up with him on the couch and started reading from his book, voice turning low and soothing as he settled into a set reading pace
Nathaniel closed his eyes and sighed softly, still uncomfortable, but content to just let V hold him for now. "I love you…"
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