"But it'll get better on its own, V, I… I don't want her help, okay?" Nathaniel pleaded weakly.
"But it'll get better on its own, V, I… I don't want her help, okay?" Nathaniel pleaded weakly.
V sat beside him and shook his head. “I’m going either way, Nath. I want to make sure you’re safe.” He said, running a hand through his hair and standing. “I’m gonna call Urielle to see if he can come over.”
"Mmm…" Nathaniel curled up into a tight ball on the couch, obviously upset. "But I don't want you to go…"
V talked to Urielle in the bedroom for a bit, asking if he could come over again for a few more hours while he went to talk to the doctor about Nathaniel’s condition.
“Valderian, you know Nathaniel doesn’t like doctors. You’re sure he’s okay with this?”
“He’s not but I promised him she wouldn’t do anything to him. plus, I’m just talking to her and getting some insight.”
“He still won’t like it.”
V sighed and nodded “yeah…I know.”
Nathaniel was still curled up tightly on the couch when V returned, annoyed and sulking. He hated not having a say in this, and that V was disregarding what he wanted in the first place. Needless to say, he was unhappy.
“Tell you what, I’ll talk with Jarvis and the doctor. I’ll let you know if anything she says could Nathaniel.”
“That might actually be better, I don’t think he’s happy with me right now.” He said with a frown.
“No, most likely not. You worry about cheering up Nathaniel, I’ll talk with her and let you know what she says later today.
“Thank you, Urielle. Really.”
After saying his goodbyes, V returned back to the living room, highly aware that Nath was unhappy with him. He pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek before settling next to him and pulling over the book he had been reading
Nathaniel grabbed a blanket and huddled up in it, turning away from V with a soft huff of annoyance. He obviously wasn't willing to talk yet, and he was pretty pissed off. He wasn't sure why V was still here, but he wasn't about to ask.
He glanced over at him, debating whether he should try and talk to him or if he should just remain quiet until Nathaniel decided he wanted folk with him. He decided on the latter, not wanting to upset him further. “I love you.” He said softly, returning back to reading his book in silence.
Nathaniel curled up tighter at that, not returning the sentiment for now. He was still mad, after all, and he wasn't going to give in that easily. He tucked his head into the blanket, hiding himself from sight.
V watched him, occasionally going back and forth between reading and making sure Nath was alright. He got up and brought over a trash can and some water before settling back down on the couch
Nathaniel tentatively picked up the water when it was brought to him and started idly drinking it. He kept silent for the time being, still not wanting to speak to V.
He smiled softly when he saw that he was at least drinking water and went to start dinner, also wanting to give Nath the space he clearly wanted. He started to him to himself as he made food, not sure if Nath would eat any of it but making extra in case. He decided to try to make some Chinese food using some recipe he had seen somewhere
Nathaniel soon finished his water and curled up on the couch again, fidgeting with the edges of his blanket. He was still uncomfortable and upset and smelling the food V was making only made him more nauseous.
V came back with two bowls of white sticky rice and dumplings, silently offering some to Nathaniel in case he wanted to eat
Nathaniel shook his head a bit and curled in on himself more tightly, looking to be uncomfortable. He coughed weakly and closed his eyes.
V decided not to push him. Instead he set the bowl on the table beside him and settled beside him once again. He extended his wing, having it gently rest over Nathaniel to provide warmth as he ate, genuinely surprise that the food tasted good
Nathaniel shied away from V's touch, huffing weakly to himself as he huddled up in the blankets. He kept his eyes screwed tightly shut and seemed to be holding his breath to keep himself from throwing up.
V grisly hated seeing Nathaniel in pain, he hated it more when he knew there was nothing he could do to make it go away. He stood when he heard his phone go off and answered, glad that Urielle had called back
Nathaniel glanced up a bit when V left, throwing up soon after the other left the room. He trembled violently and hugged his stomach tightly, panting weakly.
V spoke to Urielle for a few moments, listening intently as Urielle told him the conversation he had had with the doctor. He sighed in relief when Urielle told him Nath should be doing fine as long as he continues to eat and drink regularly as well advised try to move around more. He also told him he’d drop off some stronger medications off later on, hoping that that would help as well.
When v got off the phone and came back torn he living room, he knelt down beside his angel and rubbed his back, seeing that he had thrown up once again.
Nathaniel whimpered weakly and curled in on himself more, closing his eyes. He was still stubborn enough to refuse to talk, but he was obviously miserable.
He picked Nathaniel up bridal style and sat Dow on the couch with him on his lap. He was fine with Nath not talking to him at the moment, but he wasn’t going going to leave his angels side.
Nathaniel groaned softly and leaned his head against V's chest. He was still hugging his stomach, and he looked to be very uncomfortable.
He nuzzled Nathaniel’s face gently,
“Urielle is coming soon with a different medication. Don’t worry, they’re just stronger over the counter meds. Better than the ones we have here. They’re not directly from the doctor, though she did recommend them. She also said to eat and drink water.” He explained
"Mm…" Nathaniel curled up tighter and huffed, his face still flushed with fever. "Don't wanna eat or drink anything… m'nauseous…" He mumbled.
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