forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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He smiled and added in the pasta once it was cooked. He stirred it for a bit, allowing the pasta to hold onto some of the sauce. Covering it up so that it would finish cooking he walked over to Nathaniel and nodded, adjusting a few of the feathers that Nathaniel couldn't reach. "there, now it's perfect." he pressed a kiss to his head and hugged him close,


Nathaniel purred happily, standing on his toes so he could kiss V. "Thanks, love. When's dinner going to be ready?" He asked, his stomach grumbling a bit. "I'm starving."


He chuckled softly "ah, now you're hungry. Before i didn't hear one word about food." he arched an eyebrow teasingly and picked nathaniel up. "soon darling, let cook a little more."


Nathaniel huffed a bit and nodded, resting his head on V's shoulder. "Do we have apple juice?" He asked softly. He curled his wings around the two of them so that they wouldn't drag on the floor.


He groaned softly when nathaniel rested his head ontop of his shoulder, having put pressure on top of the marking he had made earlier. He gently nudged his head and checked the fridge "yep! we do, do you want some to drink later?"


Nathaniel pulled his head back up and quickly apologized to V for hurting him, his face flushing a bit. He bit his knuckle nervously and looked into the fridge when it was opened, nodding quietly in response to V's question.


"It's alright darling, you didn't hurt me too badly." he gently pulled his hand away from his mouth and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. "i'm alright, don't be so worried love, we've both been through worse than the aches of a hicky." he winked and kissed his head before grabbing the juice


Nathaniel nodded again and flushed harder, tucking his head under V's chin instead so that he wouldn't hurt him again. He sighed softly and huddled close, gradually beginning to relax.


He laughed softly, finding Nathaniel's blush very amusing. he nuzzled his head before having to set him down again to tend to the food. "Love, mind grabbing a few plates and cups from the cubbords?" he said as he stirred the Alfredo once again, tasting for the last time and adding a few more spices.


"Mmkay…" Nathaniel climbed up onto the counter so he could reach the cupboard and grabbed a plate and cup for each of them.


"Thank you darling," he kissed his cheek and took one of the plates. He filled it with the Chicken alfredo and handed it off to Nathaniel before doing the same for himself. He filled the cups with apple juice and headed to the living room.


Nathaniel followed V to the living room and sat down, starting to eat. "Mmm… amazing as usual, love. Thank you."


"I'm glad you like it love," he smiled and leaned back on the couch, enjoying the dinner while a movie played on the TV


Nathaniel clearly wasn't too invested in the movie. He soon finished his dinner and started idly drinking his apple juice while he huddled up against V.


V hummed softly and glanced down at Nathaniel. "what is it my love, want to go back to snuggling?" he laughed softly and set his empty plate down out of the way. He pulled nathaniel into his lap tucked him safely under his chin


"Mm…" Nathaniel rested his head against V's shoulder and finished up his apple juice. "I love you, V…" He murmured, cuddling close to him.


"I love you too, my sweet angel." he replied, resting his head on top of his and shutting his eyes. "think Jarvis and Urielle are gonna get married? they looked pretty close to officiating their own wedding on the middle of the sidewalk." he laughed softly and hooked nathaniel around his waist so that he could take the empty plates to the sink


Nathaniel laughed softly as well. "Yeah… if they don't get engaged soon, I'm gonna riot." He huddled close to V, purring contentedly. "And we'd better be groomsmen."


he nodded "I'll join you, those deserve each other, no one else." he smiled at nathaniel and brought him to the bedroom, setting him down carefully before joining him and pulling the blankets over them "we really should be." he pressed a kiss to his head "ya gonna take a shower first or am I?"


"We can shower at the same time, theoretically. We are engaged, after all." Nathaniel huddled into the blankets up against V, purring happily.


"hm, that is if I can get you out of bed." he teased, nudging his head affectionately before standing and finding a pair of pajama pants


"I'm coming, I'm coming…" Nathaniel sighed and got up, rooting through V's clothes to find something to steal.


V raised an eyebrow as he watched Nathaniel go through his clothes but didn't protest. He smiled softly and went to the bathroom to start the shower, turning on the warm water and pulling off the rest of his clothing.


Nathaniel stripped as well and stepped into the shower once the water was hot. "What time is it?" He asked. "I might go to bed after this…"


V followed in shortly and gently wrapped his arms around Nathaniel's waist, holding him close to his form as he let the warm water wash over him. "It's late, we'll go to bed after this." he kissed his head