forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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He sighed softly, shutting his eyes and nudging up against Nathaniel affectionately, loving it his name was said by him. "my love, you have no idea what you do to me." he purred lowly in his ear, pressing his lips to his shoulder "Nathaniel Tobias Windsor," he murmured, repeating it softly as he pressed feather light kisses over his skin


Nathaniel flushed as well and buried his red face in V's shoulder. He whined softly in protest, but didn't actually try to stop V.


He hummed softly and took a peek at Nathaniel, smiling when he saw his blush. He shifted slightly and pressed their heads together, lips hovering over the others "Beautiful creature," he murmured, pressing closer to him "I love you." he whispered, pressing his lips together with his


Nathaniel returned the kiss, purring happily as he melted into V's touch. "I love you too, Valderian…" He murmured in reply, his wings fluttering a bit.


He held him flush to his own body, wanting him as close as possible. His own wing arced high over his shoulder, the feather's ruffled.


Nathaniel nuzzled against V, purring contentedly. He curled his wings around the two of them with a soft sigh.


He folded his wing around Nathaniel's and settled next to him on the bed, the gesture seeming more intimate than what he actually wanted to do. He could feel every small movement and twitch of Nathaniel's wing against his own. hugging him tightly against him, V nuzzled his head and pressed small kisses to his temple


Nathaniel smiled and nestled his face into V's shoulder, cuddling close to him. He tangled their arms and legs together and settled down to be more comfortable.


He cuddled him close and tucked him safely under his chin. “My darling angel, I love you. I love you, I love you.” He sighed happily


"I love you too, V. More than I could ever articulate." Nathaniel purred when V pulled him closer, seeming pleased.


He nuzzled his hair and gave Nathaniel a dorky smile, truly happy with staying here with his angel for as long as possible. "do you want dinner here or do you wanna go out?" he asked softly, gently combing through Nathaniel's hair with his fingertips


"Either is fine with me, but if we do it here, you gotta keep in mind that I can't cook for shit and you'd likely be doing all the work."


He laughed softly "I'm perfectly fine with that, angel. Any requests for tonight?" he asked, wing fluttering softly before settling again


(ha me…)
V shook his head and pressed a kiss to his head. "so very specific, love." he sighed softly and scooped him up, holding him close to his chest as he walked to the kitchen


Nathaniel tucked his head under V's chin and grinned, purring. "Pasta sounds good if we have any."


He reluctantly set nathaniel down on the counter top and rummaged through the cabinets for pasta as well as some other ingredients. "we do actually, how do you feel about a chicken Alfredo?"


"Sounds good to me." Nathaniel yawned a bit and started preening himself when V set his down.
(By the way, I put baby Nathaniel pics in the pm :0)


He smiled and nodded, finding a few pots and pans for the food. As he started to cook, he started to hum, enjoying the process of cooking more than most


(He's baby)
Nathaniel continued idly preening himself while he watched V work, humming along with him if he ever recognized the tune.


(ahh yus he is!! btw I don't think I got a chance to say this but it's been over a year we've had this rp going! thank you so much for continuing this long with this idea! Also thanks for being patient with when it comes to responses! I've been trying to write longer reposes so it's not all one-liners but sometimes i'm in a rush or something so thank you for your patience and understanding!)


(Yeah! It'll be a year exactly in two days ^^ and no problem! You still reply a lot faster than some of my roleplay partners, believe it or not, and V and Nathaniel are worth waiting a little for :) This was one of my first long standing roleplays and I'm glad it's gotten this far!)


He started to boil the pasta first, then he worked on the suce, offering Nathaniel a bit of it to taste. "honest opinion, does it need anything else?" he asked with a smiling, genuinely loving to cook, though not doing it much. "I put in a few different cheeses, some green onion, salt, pepper, paprica, and some other spices."


"Tastes good to me, love. You know I'm not picky." Nathaniel grinned and finished preening his feathers. "Do my wings look okay?" He asked, turning so V could see.