forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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Nathaniel nodded, purring happily and cuddling close to V. He clung tightly to the other and grinned, seeming content for the time being.


"Adorable angel," he whispered, cradling him close and pressing a kiss to his head. He walked out with Nathaniel in his arms, smiling softly as Jane and laura saw and came up to them. "I do expect an invitation to the weding, Valderian." Jane said with a smile of her own.
V nodded "you both are invited, one will go out soon, I promise. Thank you again for helping us."


Nathaniel waved goodbye when he was carried out, but just allowed V to do the talking. He was feeling very cuddly and demanding and had no interest in letting go of V.


V let Jarvis and Urielle take the lead when they walked back home, smiling at the two as they continued to show their love and affection for each other through small gestures. A wing brush here, an arm around a waist their. He shook his head at the two and laughed to himself. "They don't even know what to do with each other." he muttered, pressing a kiss to Nathaniel's head and stopping at the front of the hotel. "I think me and Nath are gonna go home now, this one's getting clingy again." he said to them, holding Nathaniel in one arm as he hugged the other angels


"Mmm…" Nathaniel was still purring happily, his arms wrapped around V's neck. He rested his head on the other's shoulder with his eyes closed, seeming to be content for now. "Homeward booooound…"


Urielle laughed softly and shook his head "Alright, we'll see you two later then." he smiled and followed Jarvis back into the hotel.
After a bit of walking the pair made it back home. He looked down at Nathaniel before looking around at the room and sighing. "Love, I'm gonna have to put you down again so i can put these away." he said, shaking the bag that held their shirts in his hand


"Noooooo…" Nathaniel whined. "I don't wanna…" He clung tighter to V and huffed indignantly. "Just put em away later or somethin'…"


"but then they'll get wrinklleeeessss!!!" he whined back, trying to match Nathaniel's voice. "alright fine, I'll cuddle with you." he walked around the house, putting all their things into a pile near the closet to be put away later and flopped onto the bed, hugging Nathaniel close. "You feeling alright love?" he asked after settling comfortably with him under the sheets


"I just wanna be near you, love…" Nathaniel latched himself onto V and sighed. He started tugging at the other's shirt again, his cheeks flushing lightly.


He chuckled softly and gently nudged Nath away so that he could pull off his shirt. He tossed it aside, “there, is this what you want darling?” He hugged him tightly and pressed kisses to his head “I’m right here love, I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” He said.


Nathaniel purred and nuzzled against V, seeming pleased. "I love you~…" He murmured, huddling close to V again.


“I love you more Nath.” He murmured in reply, curling around his angel and pressing kisses to his lips.


Nathaniel purred and returned the kisses, fluttering his wings happily. "Mmmmmm… can't wait to get married, love…"


“Neither can I my angel.” He replied softly, tracing Nathaniel’s lower lip with his finger before kissing them once more.


Nathaniel nuzzled against V's chest and purred loudly. His wings fluffed up a bit as he cuddled closer, now tangled up with V.


He hummed softly and broke away to let them both breath. He smiled adoringly at his angel and gently stroking his hair. “All you wanted was attention, huh. You adorable distraction.” He kissed his head


Nathaniel stuck his tongue out playfully, still purring. His hair was rather disheveled by now. "I'm just needy. You know that." He kissed V's neck a couple times.


"I know darling, I know and i'm absolutely fine with fulfilling your every want and need." He hummed softly and tilted his head "my love, whatcha doing, hm?" he murmured against his ear, voice low and soft


"Loooooving you…" Nathaniel pressed a few more kisses to V's neck, still purring and growing steadily more red.


He purred in response, a deeper purr than Nathaniel's and gently rested his hands on Nathaniel's wings. His wing fluttered slightly and wrapped around Nathaniel a bit tighter, pressing him closer to V's form


Nathaniel's wings puffed up and quivered along with the rest of him when they were touched and his purring jumped in volume. He flushed harder and started panting lightly as V pulled him close.


He gently nudged his head and pressed a kiss to Nathaniel's head. His purring quieted down to a steady rhythm. "gorgeous creature," he whispered, nuzzling his jaw line and pressing kisses to his skin


"Mmmm…" Nathaniel panted a bit more, trying to get impossibly closer to V. It's so hot in here… He flirted his wings a couple times as he snuggled up to V.


He pulled back softly and pressed his hand to Nathaniel’s cheek. “Relax darling creature, you’re growing warm.” He pressed a kiss to his cheek and gently stroked his wings


Nathaniel whined softly and reluctantly allowed V to just hold him. He kept fluttering his wings in an attempt to cool down, though.