"Yeah, I know it's not okay. I know." Danny rubbed his eyes. "That's why I fucken' fought back."
"Yeah, I know it's not okay. I know." Danny rubbed his eyes. "That's why I fucken' fought back."
He nodded a little bit. "Still. I…" he didn't knkow what to do.
He shrugged. "It's not somethin' I can fix." Danny scratched his head again. "Can't do anythin' about it."
He shrugged. "Still. I wish I knew how to help."
"I guesso." Danny crossed his arms loosely over his chest. "I might talk to Oz about kiking him outta the band. I'd leave, but.. I started the damn thing. It's like my baby."
He nodded at that. "Yeah. And you can find another bassist eventually." he replied, wishing he knew how to help.
"Yeah, I mean- we're loud enough without one, right? Don't- don't fucken' need a bassist 24/7. Gotta talk to Oz later. Not right now." Danny shifted again. He was tired, he was stressed (whether or not he wanted to admit it), and dear God, he was starved for positive attention.
"Well, yeah." he replied, arms still gently around Danny. "But…I dont know."
"Fuck, man, who knows? Fucken'.. nobody." Danny laughed slightly, not noticing how he was beginning to slightly lean on Alex. He was super affectionate with his friends and family, and clearly that showed.
Alex laughed a little bit. "Right. Yeah. Just…I'm really sorry about what happened. That sucks. i know you liked him."
"Yeah. Sometimes people just.. they fucken' suck. Somethin' I gotta remember." Danny rubbed his eyes again. "I liked him, but I think I was just attached 'cause of history. Think that made it worse, though."
He shrugged his shoulders. "I mean…irregardless of why, you still liked him. I liked Keats, and he was…not good for me in so many ways."
"Yeah. That's fair enough, I guess." Danny was basically resting his head on Alex's shoulder, though it wasn't really clear if he realized that he was doing it in the first place.
Alex didn't really mind that Danny was resting his head on his shoulder, and simply kept his arms around the taller male.
Danny was quiet for just a moment. "..I'm sorry for draggin' ya into this."
"Danny, it's fine." He replied. "I don't mind being here for a friend."
"Thanks." Danny responded, his voice soft. He rubbed at his eyes. "Thanks, Alex. I just- you're really nice to me. Way more than I expect you to."
Alex blinked. "Well why the fuck wouldn't I be?" He asked, looking at the werewolf.
"I dunno. I feel like I haven't done a whole lot to earn your niceness, y'know? Like- I was a dick in high school, I'm kinda a dick now," Danny started. "y'know? I just- I dunno."
"Uhm. You carried me home after my curse took over. You came over and spent hours with me after I…after I relapsed and called Keats. Besides, niceness doesn't need to be earned."
"I guess." Danny didn't sound too sure. He knew fully well that he was throwing a fucking pity party, he did, and he felt bad about it, but God forbid he let himself feel bad for a little while.
(gtg, sorry)
"You guess? Nope. You listen to me. I'm allowed to be nice to somebody that I consider a friend, alright?" He replied firmly.
(ack, gn!)
"Yeah, alright." Danny raised his palms in defense, though he didn't remove his head from Alex's shoulder. In fact, he seemed to bury himself further in it. "Okay. Sorry."
"Mhm." he replied, arms still wrapped gently around Danny. "You're fine. Or, you will be, I suppose."
"Yeah. At some point." He sighed. "I'll be fine."
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