"I don't know." he laughed a little.
"I don't know." he laughed a little.
Danny snorted softly. "Alright." He went quiet again. "You mind if I play some music?" He tilted his head towards a CD player on the floor, along with a few milk crates full of the CDs themselves.
"Nah, that's fine." he replied, stretching and yawning.
"Sick." Danny got up, crouching by the crates and fishing through them. "Got a preference? I don't think I have any.. like.. theatre. Sorry about that."
"Well…so if you don't have any broadway…indie alternate is fine." he shrugged.
"Indie alternative…" Danny echoed to himself, flicking through the crates. "Uhhhhhh- I got The Smiths? Nirvana? Alice in Chains? I don't have a ton of indie shit. Oh, shit, I didn't realize I had Pearl Jam." Danny mumbled the last bit to himself, pulling out a CD case and looking it over. "Any of that shit sound good? I can look for anythin' if you want."
He shrugged a little bit. "You can pick, honestly." he replied. "Nirvana sounds fine?"
"Sick. This is the- uh- the uhhh…. MTV Unplugged CD. Great album." Danny held up the CD for Alex to see before moving to pop it into the CD player.
He nodded a little, stretching again and running his fingers through his hair.
Danny came back to the couch, though he elected to sit on the floor instead of the couch, leaning against the worn out furniture.
He looked down at Danny, letting out a breath.
"Great album.." Danny echoed his own words back to himself, quiet. "Yeah. I like it. Somethin' about live albums that just.. man."
"Yeah. You can hear the crowd going wild in the background."
"You can hear right when they figure out what song it is." He pointed up, slowly nodding his head along to the guitar. "Fucken' beautiful."
He nodded a little, smiling softly. "Yeah."
Danny shut his eyes, leaning his head against the couch as he listened to the song. He looked calm.
He looked over at Danny, watching him for a moment, then looking away again.
Danny sat with his knees up near his chest, arms resting atop them.
Alex clsoed his eyes, listening to the music.
Danny continued to bop his head along to the music, silently mouthing the words. He rubbed his eyes, though he kept them closed.
Alex shifted in the seat, letting out a breath.
Danny opened his eyes, tilting his head to look up at Alex. "Next thing we listen to might not be your cup of tea. But I'm thinkin'.. like.. Dead Kennedys. Somethin' like that." His voice came out in a mumble.
Alex opened his eyes, looking at Danny. "Hm? Oh. Alright." he replied. "That's fine."
"Cool, cool." He nodded. "Thanks."
Alex nodded a little, closing his eyes again.
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