Allie smirked a little at that, suddenly realizing that she probably looked like a mess right now. She needed to run a brush through her hair. Or something. The problem was that she didn’t have any of that anymore. “So do you have any plans for today?” she asked him casually, wondering if there was anything she needed to do.
(it’s chill)
Logan shrugged. "Eh, not really, I guess." He replied. "I can help with things, if you want me to." He gave her a small smile.
“Okay, though I don’t really know what to do myself,” she admitted, looking around as if something she needed to do would magically appear.
He laughed softly. "Ah. That's true." He replied, smiling lightly.
“Hanging out with you has been fun so far though,” Allie added, smiling. It was true, she realized. She did enjoy spending time with him.
Logan smiled. "Thanks. I've…enjoyed your company as well." He replied, looking at her with a smile.
Allie blushed. “Thanks.” She glanced away, twining a strand of hair around her finger. “So what do you usually do for fun?”
Logan smiled, and shrugged. "Draw, when I can." He replied. "You?"
“Sometimes I still just dance around, even though there’s no music,” she admitted. “Or hum melodies to myself.”
He nodded. "We're both keeping up our hobbies, then. As best we can, anyway." He gave a smile.
She shrugged. “Yeah,” she agreed. “I’m trying to keep mine up. Maybe we can just relax today?”
He smiled. "Alright." He replied, stretching as he finished the soup. "Sounds like a plan."
“Great,” Aurelie said, with another yawn. Right now would be a great time for Netflix to still be a thing, but doing nothing seemed okay too. As long as there wasn’t a panic, or any aliens nearby. Of course Allie had heard tales of gangs of humans who killed other humans for their supplies and whatnot. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to keep her thoughts from spiraling and sending her down that road.
He looked over at her. "You alright?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He sighed softly, hoping she hadn't seen the oddly colored blood staining the cloth.
“Fine,” she muttered, taking a deep breath to try and get herself calmed down. Her thoughts kept spiraling and spiraling, which was never good. After a few minutes she was back to normal. “I’m fine.”
He nodded slowly. "Alright." He replied softly. "If you say so." He stretched, yawning a little.
Allie wondered how Logan could make stretching so attractive for a moment before internally berating herself for noticing. You have got to stop, she reminded herself. “I have some cards if you want to play poker or something? I’m honestly not sure what else we could do besides wander around or take a nap.”
He chuckled. "Cards sounds good. Ever played hearts?" He replied. "That's my favorite card game, and it's actually deceptively easy, once you get the hang of it."
“No, you could teach me though,” she responded. “I’m game. Just let me go get the cards from my room.” She turned and quickly went down the hall and snatched the cards off of a nightstand.
He smiled. "Alright. I'll be at the table waiting!" He called, heading over to the table and chairs. He tested the chair before sitting down, to make sure that it wouldn't collapse under his weight. It didn't, though it creaked and groaned.
She walked back down the hall, holding the worn set of playing cards in her hands, then took a seat at the table. “So, show me how to play,” she replied, handing Logan the cards.
He nodded, and pulled the jokers out, then began to teach her, speaking slowly and making sure she understood each instruction.
(Do you want me to actually describe the game, or no?)
She nodded, trying to take in everything.
(can you bc i have no idea how to play it and i’m too lazy/drained from a long project to look it up myself)
(yeh sure)
"So, in this game, the goal is not to get points. Hearts are worth one point each, and the queen of Spades is worth 13 points." He explained. "Other than that, all cards are worth zero."
“Okay,” Allie replied with a nod, pressing her lips together. She was listening intently, which was a bit funny since it was only card game instructions.