"Oh right. Sorry." He sighed softly. "Uhm…on a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate the aliens?" He asked, looking out the window again.
"Oh right. Sorry." He sighed softly. "Uhm…on a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate the aliens?" He asked, looking out the window again.
She thought for several moments. “It varies, I guess. Sometimes it’s a ten, sometimes a five. But I think I’m more scared of them than anything. They’ve taken so much from me, what are they going to do next? What if they abduct me so they can dissect me and laugh about it with their alien friends?” She paused for a moment to breathe. “Sorry, I’m probably weirding you out. Same question for you.”
He sighed softly. "It's fine. Uhm…" He shook his head slightly. "I feel…I don't know. Probably about the same as you." He replied, shrugging slightly. "Uhm… what's your favorite animal?"
“Pandas, because they’re so cute and fluffy!” she answered, yawning. She blinked, trying to keep herself awake. “What’s your favorite season?”
He nodded. "Uhm…Winter. and you? Your favorite season?" He asked, looking at her. "If you're tired, we can stop and I'll go to bed."
“I like Spring,” Allie answered, glancing back at him. “And I’m not tired. So, worst decision you ever made?” She definitely was tired, but she didn’t want Logan to leave.
"Ah. Worst decision has got to be…not taking the chance to travel when I could." He replied. "Best decision you ever made?"
“That’s hard, I’ve made a lot of dumb ones,” she muttered, searching her brain. “I guess spending a lot of time with my friends and having fun instead of worrying about the future all the time, like I used to do a while. Okay, best day of your life?” She yawned again but tried to hide it from Logan.
Logan nodded, looking out the window. "I… don't know. Maybe the day I turned eighteen? I don't know." He shrugged. "Worst decision you've ever made?"
“The worst decision…” she mused, like she was wracking her brain. She didn’t have to think about it, though; she already knew what her answer was. “Probably, um, not talking to Alex after he left. I don’t think I love him anymore, at least, not like I used to, but I wish I knew if he was okay. He was still my best friend.” She yawned again. Shit, she had to stop doing that if she wanted Logan to stay. “Favorite vegetable?”
Logan nodded, wondering who Alex was, but knowing that it wasn't his business to ask. "Uhm…carrots." he replied with a laugh. "Favorite fruit?"
(i thought that she mentioned Alex earlier? maybe i imagined that lol)
“Peaches,” she replied, yawning yet again as her eyes slipped closed. She opened her eyes quickly, hoping he wouldn’t notice that she obviously couldn’t stay awake much longer.
(she might have i thiiiinkk, but either way he doesn't know who Alex is)
Logan nodded. "Alright." He replied. He looked at her. "And what's the next question? Unless you're too tired to continue."
(okay well he’s not that important anyway lol)
“I’m not,” she mumbled sleepily. She didn’t want him to leave but was much too stubborn to actually just admit it. “Um…favorite….pizza topping…”
(lol alright)
"Pepperoni and cheese." He replied. "And yours?" He could tell she was far more tired than she was going to admit to.
“Just plain cheese,” she said, eyelids drooping. She slowly dozed off.
He nodded, looking over at her. He chuckled softly, gently tucking the blankets around her.
(time skip to the next morning?)
Allie woke up, looking around. She must have fallen asleep at some point during the conversation. She blushed. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep. She got up and went to the kitchen.
Logan was in the kitchen, a wad of old cloth pressed to his nose, blood staining the cloth. He looked up, qnd sucked in a breath. "Oh. Good morning." He said.
“Good morning,” Allie repeated, a concerned look taking over her features. “Are you okay?” It looked like only a bloody nose, but she wanted to make sure.
He blinked again, and nodded. "I'm fine. Just a bloody nose." He was careful not to let her see the slightly strange color his blood was. Instead of the crimson red of a human, his blood contained almost a hint of purple.
“Oh, those suck,” Allie sympathized. “I used to get them a lot when I was younger.” Despite the fact that he said it was just a bloody nose, Logan looked like he was hiding something. It made Allie instantly alert.
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