forum “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” (O/O)
Started by @MusicElle-is-here

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"Alright?" He pulled out a few cards at random. "This game is easier with three or more people, but it works with two. But anyway. Say I played this card." He put down the three of clubs. "And you played this one." The ace of spades. Now, I would take the hand, because the first suit played is the only one that counts. Does that make sense?"


He finished dealing, and picked up his cards. He gestured to the third hand he had dealt. "That's the blind hand. We won't be touching it for this game, it's just a place holder."


"Alright, so whoever has the two of clubs starts." He pulled it out from his hand. "Which is me." He set it down. "You need to play clubs as well, by the way. Sorry, should have added that earlier."


Oh, so taking the cards was bad. He’d told her as much, but she wasn’t used to wanting less points. Allie felt dumb, but kept going. She played the two of diamonds.