Allie played the four of diamonds with a smirk. Was he going easy on her? He better not be.
Allie played the four of diamonds with a smirk. Was he going easy on her? He better not be.
He sighed, and took the cards. "I dealt myself a shit hand." he muttered, and played his next card. The king of spades.
Allie laughed and played the four of spades. “You sure you’re not just going easy on me?” she teased.
He groaned, taking the card. "Yes." he replied, playing a high club this time.
“I don’t have any other clubs, so here,” she said, setting down the three of hearts with a flourish.
He groaned, taking both cards. "I hate you." He grumbled as he played a diamond. A lower one.
She widened her eyes and blinked innocently. “Do you?” she asked, smiling sweetly. She glanced at his card with a brief frown and played a higher one, taking the cards. She then played the five of spades.
He sighed, and played a heart. "I don't have any spades." He explained, shaking his head. Then he smirked. "But hey, you get to take a point."
“Oh goody me,” she said sarcastically, a smirk on her face as well as she took the cards and played a lower diamond.
He smirked, then sighed, playing a diamond and taking the cards. He and Allie were both running to the end of their cards, and would both soon be out.
“I’m guessing you still hate me, sore loser?” she teased, not even sure if he had more points than her. It was just fun to mess with him.
He rolled his eyes. "Yes." he grumbled, putting down his next card. A high heart. He would probably be taking all of the points.
Allie giggled. “Thanks for helping me get rid of my hearts,” she replied, tossing down an only slightly lower one. She had no idea how she would get rid of her last few cards without earning a point or two, however.
He sighed, taking the card, and tossed out a diamond. Midrange. He didn't know why he hadn't used it earlier. I am so losing…how am I losing? he sighed softly.
Allie sighed and played the ace of diamonds that she had been squirreling away in hopes that Logan would play another club. Why hadn’t she used it earlier? Well, now she was out of clubs and diamonds. She took the cards and played a mid-range spade.
He sighed, and played a heart. He didn't have any spades left. Hadn't for a while. He was still losing by…a shitton of points. He wasn't sure exactly how many.
Allie frowned and took the pile, playing a mid-range heart this time. She looked at Logan as if trying to read his mind, a feat she knew would never work, obviously.
He sighed as he played a high heart, taking both cards. He threw down his last card, a diamond.
All Allie had left was a high heart, so she smirked as she put it down. She was fairly certain she had just won.
He groaned, taking the card. "Count your points." He grumbled. "But I lost." He made a face at her.
Allie beamed at him, the picture of happiness for a moment as she gloated teasingly. She was glad she had won, because she could be a sore loser sometimes. “I guess I’m just awesome at cards,” she bragged, more jokingly than anything.
Logan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I guess so." He replied with a sigh. "That or I'm just out of practice." He grinned, and collected the cards up.
Allie laughed. “Whatever you have to tell yourself, sweetheart.” She looked at him curiously. “What should we play next?”
He blinked at her use of the word "sweetheart", and shrugged a little. "I don't know. What do you want to play?" he asked, looking at her.
“Have you ever played Egyptian Rat Screw?” she asked, her eyes lighting up. She used to play that game all the time, especially in high school.
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