“I don’t know, anything but boys or the invasion,” she responded. “Maybe we play twenty questions again?” She changed position again, lying down her back now, staring at the ceiling. Allie had always been a bit restless, and she crossed one of her legs over the other, imagining that she was gazing up at the night sky outside like she used to.
He shrugged slightly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Alright. Can yoy go first, or do you want me to?" He asked, looking over at her.
“You can ask the question first, if that’s what you mean,” she replied, glancing over at him before looking back at the ceiling, her hair a messy of golden curls around her head.
"Yes, that's what I meant." He replied with a soft chuckle. "Uhm….is there a story behind your name? Like a reason you're named that?"
“I don’t think so…” she muttered. “I think my mom just liked the name Allison. Allie’s just what I go by. I used to go by Allison in like grade school but I’ve gone by Allie for a while now. Okay, my turn to ask. Is there a story behind your name?”
He nodded. "Oh, I see." He thought for a moment. "Uhm…no, I don't think so." He replied with a shrug. "If you could be anyone or anything, who would you be?"
“Anyone but myself,” she mumbled, almost unintelligibly, before quickly moving on. “So if you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?”
He thought for a long moment. "Uhm…Stan Lee." He replied with a slight shrug. "Same question back at you."
“Ooh that’s a good one! Maybe Keanu Reeves? Or Emma Watson?” she said. “If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?”
"Peace, uhm… happiness, and…I don't know." He chuckled softly, shaking his head a little. "Uhm…same question back at you. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?"
“I’d wish that the aliens never invaded, world peace, and that no one would ever go hungry,” she replied. “Hmm…favorite kind of cookie?”
We didn't quite invade…not the way you think we did… He sighed. "Chocolate chip. What about you?" He coughed softly, turning his head and coughing into his elbow.
“Snickerdoodle,” she said softly. “That was my nickname as a little kid. What’s your zodiac sign?”
He nodded, then sighed, thinking. "I have…no idea. I'm not good with Zodiac signs." He replied, shaking his head. "What about you? What's yours?"
“Taurus,” she replied. “Okay, so then what’s your birthday? We can work it out.”
"My birthday is January 30th." He replied calmly. "So…which one is that?" He really didn't know much about the whole Zodiac thing.
“I think Aquarius?” she said with a shrug. “I had too much time on my hands before the invasion and all. I was kinda into zodiac stuff. Anyway, what’s your favorite kind of music?”
"Oh, alright." He thought for a moment. "I'm good with just about any type, really. Just not country, I don't like it." He chuckled softly. "What about you?"
“Oh thank god,” she responded, then laughed. “Sorry, I just really don’t like country music. My favorite kind is either pop or indie. Favorite animal?”
He nodded, thinking. "Wolves, maybe." He shrugged slightly. "What's your favorite ocean animal?" He decided to be specific, instead of just parroting her questions all the time.
“Dolphins!” she answered, with a smile. “What was your favorite subject in school?”
He smiled. "Uhm…of the required classes, english. Of the choice classes, art." He replied. "What was your favorite thing to do outside of school?"
“I did theatre, and that was fun,” she said. “But some of the theatre kids were kinda weird. What is your biggest fear?”
He nodded, chuckling. "Yeah, theatre is…interesting. Uh…" He frowned slightly. Being found out for being what I am. "I don't know." He replied.
She continued to stare up at the ceiling, not entirely believing him, but not wanting to call him out. “Okay. What’s my question?”