She sniffled again, sounding pathetic even to her own ears. “It was all my fault, anyway,” she replied. “You can come in, if you want. You don’t need to talk to me through the door.” She laughed shakily.
She sniffled again, sounding pathetic even to her own ears. “It was all my fault, anyway,” she replied. “You can come in, if you want. You don’t need to talk to me through the door.” She laughed shakily.
Logan opened the door after a moment. "I'm sorry." he said again, looking at her, then away guiltily.
“It’s not your fault,” Allie said firmly, having finally stopping crying. Her face was still a bit red and puffy. “I got myself into this. Like you said, going around making out with random guys is a bad idea.”
He shrugged slightly, then nodded. "I got kind of worried when you disappeared." he admitted. "I didn't know if Henry was an okay guy, or a rapist, or what." he said with a sigh.
Butterflies came to life in her stomach when he said he had been worried, but she did her best to ignore it. “He’s okay, I guess,” she replied. “He clearly doesn’t actually like me as more than someone to make out with for no reason, but he didn’t try to force himself on me or anything.”
Logan nodded. "Yeah. I know that now, but… you had me a bit worried." He shrugged slightly, looking up at the ceiling to avoid her eyes.
“Oh,” she said. “I didn’t mean to worry you. I was just drunk and…well, he was cute.” What she was originally going to say was and upset but she didn’t want him to know that she actually cared.
Logan nodded. "I know you didn't." He replied, taking a slow step towards her. "And it's fine."
“I won’t do it again,” she promised. “I just to act first and think later sometimes. I’ll try to be better about it though. No more making out with random guys.”
He nodded. "Alright." He replied softly, running a hand through his hair. "That's typically a good plan no matter what's going on." He chuckled a bit.
She laughed too, blushing a bit with embarrassment. “Yeah, probably.” His hair looked so soft and she wondered what it would be like to run her hands through it for a moment before coming back to reality. He didn’t like her like that. “At least I had you to watch my back.”
Logan nodded. "Mhm. That's true." He went quiet for a minute, then said, slowly, "Some of them were saying that they think that the…the aliens are trying to…I don't remember exactly. But like…infiltrating us or something to learn where places are, then reporting back?" He shook his head slightly.
“They did?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. “What do you think? Do you believe it?”
He hesitated. "No. I don't." He said. A baldface lie. I am such a liar. Isn't that almost exactly what I'm doing?
“Yeah, it doesn’t make sense,” agreed Allie with a thoughtful expression. “Why wouldn’t they go for military bases or someone of importance? I don’t know why they’d want to destroy the last remaining shreds of humanity here. It’s not like we can do anything to them.”
"Exactly!" He replied. "Thats what I said!" He shook his head slightly.
She sighed with a small smile, shifting to sit cross-legged on her bed. “So what were Henry’s friends like?”
"They were… alright, i guess." He replied. He shrugged. "And how was Henry? Other than the whole…tongues in each other's mouths."
“He was nice enough, I suppose,” she mused, curling a strand of hair around her finger. “Lots of tongue and not enough actual talking, though. Could’ve been worse.”
He chuckled. "Mm, I see." He looked out the window. "So basically you didn't get to know him before you started sharing tongues?"
Allie blushed. “What did we need to know? It isn’t as if I’ll see him a ton, since I hardly ever leave my house or the surrounding area. Besides, I didn’t feel like talking.” The way she said it was as if she were reciting facts instead of discussing kissing a guy.
He chuckled softly, shaking his head slightly. "Alright, alright. Whatever you say." he replied, still looking out the window at the stars.
Allie pursed her lips, pretending to be annoyed, though it was clear she was just kidding. “He wasn’t very interesting,” she added idly. “Let’s just talk about something else.”
He chuckled. "Alright then. What would you rather talk about?" He asked, turning and looking at her instead of out the window.
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