forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

A very big maybe. Astral pressed his finger into the trinket in his hand, letting out a breath as he rested with the leopard.
Hey, at least it wasn't Emile, or Mia, or Simon in his hand.


Yes things could most certainly get worse. They all knew they were just pawns to Astral, insignificant beings stuck under the god’s thumb. But there wasn’t really anything any of them could do about it. Emile was the lucky one, this wasn’t a permanent situation for him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

At least they weren't literally so, like the unfortunate trinket he currently had. Pawns meant there was a bigger purpose to what Astral was doing to them- and perhaps there was with Emile, but for Mia and Simon? They were lucky to call themselves his playthings. And like any obstinate child, he'd never let them go.


((Astral is a man child confirmed lmao))

Unfortunately that was the way things were for them. They wouldn’t have any true value or significance until Astral wanted them to. Needless to say, Simon regrets going with Astral more than anything else in his life.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Pff looool)

It was also unfortunate that Astral had found a new favorite in Simon. The man would go through hell and back, and even after he eventually broke, Astral would never let him have peace. Even when he begged, Astral wouldn't care.
He saw that day as the best thing to ever happen to them both. He saw himself as actually giving Simon's pain a purpose.
It was sickening.


Things really weren’t looking too well for any of them then. The worst part is Simon definitely would break, and it’d be sure to bring Astral so much satisfaction.

((mmmmmm Astral wtffffff I literally feel physically sick nowwwww))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I knowwwwww)(Now that we have the other rp I don't feel so bad doing this, but it's still sickening to know Astral's still, well, Astral ;-;)

It would. It would mark the moment Simon fully, truly became his, and he would love it.
It turns out Astral was a patient god after all.
The god let out a breath, relaxed as he thought over this with a small smile.
Mine, all mine…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It was, and that was if Astral left Simon out and about long enough for the child to grow enough to do so.
Astral always slipped into this kind of thinking when alone with his thoughts. Too bad Emile didn't want talk.


To be fair, there wasn’t much he could talk about. He was still trying to be careful with what he revealed to the god after all. Which meant he would keep talking about Alec to a bare minimum. And unfortunately for this situation, Alec was his whole world.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

That, though, left Astral with more time to convince himself that he didn't really care for Simon how he thought he had. He didn't love Simon, he loved the child. Simon was just a favored toy.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral took a moment to come out of his thoughts, looking up at Emile.
"Not that I can think of right now," he admitted. "I mean- you've pretty much told me already you've dealt with his past abusers besides the one I've gotten my hands on, and there isn't much I'd ask more about Simon on. I don't want to freak him out."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh yeah… ;-;)

"Mm." Astral nodded once, then looked away. Time to go back to silently debating what he was going to do with Simon. He'd keep this up, until the child was born. He'd keep Simon close for a while after that, though he couldn't guarantee he'd be human the entire time. He'd at least finish Simon's transition- it was the least he could offer in reward to his little toy.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral was willing to bargain. Simon would have to give something up in turn, though. Astral could only have so many running around in his halls.
The child automatically and permanently took up one of the two spots.