forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik made a disgusted face.
"It's like he forgets you're not tied to this pantheon. For the love of shit, this is a bloody mess…" Derlik shook his head, moving to sit on the couch where Astral had been.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Mm… Astral hasn't tried anything with you, has he? It's good to at least see you aren't stuck on a shelf somewhere." It seemed Derlik knew when to put a feud to the side. It was surprising, knowing how he acted.


“No, thankfully we have a deal right now that’s actually pretty reasonable so I should be okay. It’s just Simon that I’m worried about.” Emile was glad for it, he really needed someone to talk to about all this.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Mm…" Derlik shook his head. "I call bullshit too. That just doesn't happy- no god can just decide to change themselves, especially if the thing they want to change was put there by Mother. He's going to go back to his old ways, one way or another. Simon shouldn't be allowed to get his hopes up."


“Yeah I figured….I’m just hoping things might actually get better, for Simon’s sake. The poor kid is stuck here for the rest of eternity and he’s already miserable.” He was obviously upset that he couldn’t do anything to help.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yes, so sad)
(Not already planned at all)

"He's doing better than most," Derlik said softly, "But that doesn't mean jack shit here." He shook his head, pissed himself. He didn't like this, not one bit.
"I still can't believe Astral took him, I was sure I'd left enough of my Presence around to keep others away from him."


((Oop? 👀))

“Yeah…..thank you for trying to protect him though, I really appreciate it, and I’m sure Alec does too.” He didn’t even want to think what else could’ve happened to Simon if Derlik hadn’t done that.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(ahahahahahahahahaha there is nothing to see here–But Mother would totally offer Simon's freedom for the child's life)

Derlik grunted some in response. He still didn't like Alec, but he knew he wouldn't be doing anything to them any time soon. Not with this…
"He's going to still try to do things to Simon," he said softly. "I won't be able to stop everything. But if he ever crosses that line again, or do anything as horrible, let me know."


(( D: nooooooo))
((But you know that Astral would never let Simon have a moment of peace in any lifetime after he figured out what happened))

Well it was better than nothing. Emile knew it was just because of who Simon was to him and Alec, otherwise he doubted the god would care as much.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(oh, never)
(Honestly, what would Simon choose? His own freedom, or the child?)

It really was. Derlik couldn't care about every single soul, after all, it would make him a hypocrite.
"Mm…" the god of chaos slowly opened his eyes.
"This is all fucked up…"


((He’d definitely choose the child. If he did for some reason choose his own freedom, he’d probably kill himself from the guilt))

“Yeah…tell me about it…” Emile agreed, letting out a tired sigh. Trying to sort through this whole mess was very overwhelming.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Good aha, that's what I figured. Yeah, we ah, we aren't going to do that–)

It must have been. Most people didn't get to know what happened to their loved ones once they were taken, and it was a blessing. It was worse to know.
Derlik sat up some, shaking his head again as Astral walked into the room.


((But is there a chance of Simon being able to be freed without someone dying?))

It really was, especially since Emile was used to being in control of most situations. At least since he’d died anyway. But still, whenever there’d been a problem in Simon’s life before, they could just get rid of it. But Astral was more powerful than him or Alec, so there wasn’t much they could do.


((okay okay but wouldn’t it be unfortunate if at some point the kid gets into an argument with Simon and Astral and brings up some dumb hobby that Simon does whenever Astral’s working, not knowing that it’s something Astral hasn’t allowed him to do. And then they overhear Simon getting punished for it later, and that’s when they find out that Astral’s just as cruel to Simon as he is to everyone else.))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(There is a slight chance, for sure)
(The child would be terrified and just, they'd be so sorry and wouldn't leave Simon's side for a solid week)

There really wasn't anything anyone could do, not even Derlik. Simon was, technically, his now, and Derlik wasn't to interfere. Astral sat in the chair opposite Derlik, legs folding.


((Well that’s good lol))
((yeahhhh and Simon would have to deny that anything had even happened))

It was definitely a less than ideal situation. Especially with as cruel of a god as Astral tended to be. Emile just had to hope that the god really wanted to change.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(The child doesn't say anything other than apologizing and they refuse to let go of Simon's waist)
(But little did they know Simon also gets in trouble for letting the child know what's going on)

Astral wanted… well, something different, if not change. He'd play nice. He rubbed at his forehead, leaning his head back.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It did, but there was nothing anyone could do at this point.
"I'm surprised you're not doing anything else here, Derlik," Astral mumbled.
"Well I'm not in the mood for mischief after finding out what you did," Derlik snapped.