forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It took some time, but Emile's words seemed to be helping. Unlike Mia, this trinket wasn't able to say anything to Emile, but they really were grateful for the help. They hadn't been treated like this in such, such a long time…


Emile waited a moment but feeling them calm down he nodded again, still smiling softly at the trinket. “Okay then dear, I’m gonna put you back in kind of the same spot but further in on the table so you won’t get knocked down again.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You're being very careful with a total stranger," Derlik noted. The trinket tensed as Derlik spoke, but they were still willing to be put down. Astral was slowly getting back to his feet to slink off and heal himself up.


Emile shrugged as he gently placed the trinket back down, putting them much closer to the center of the table so they wouldn’t fall down again. “Just because I sold my soul to a demon doesn’t mean I lost my humanity.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

They would still have to be careful not to bump into the table- the trinket wasn't very stable at all, with how Astral had designed them.
"Hmph. Most loose it when they're stuck with Astral." Or himself, but Derlik didn't say that out loud.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Any idea when he'll let you go?" Derlik relaxed in his seat, legs folded. If Emile asked, he'd be fine with… convincing Astral to do it. Fixing the cracked ones, too, they were probably in a bit of pain.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Damn," Derlik said, shaking his head. "Let me know if he ever gets overbearing." The god shifted in his seat as Astral came back out. He had mostly fixed himself up, but he was going to have a black eye for sure.


((If I could end Astral’s life myself rn I would))

Emile pulled the trinket close just to be sure that Astral couldn’t reach out and grab her now. “Astral you’ve already owned her soul for god knows how long, this is literally the least you could do.” He said, trying not to snap at the god.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Me too aha, just wait until you hear a) hold old she is and b) what the hell happened :').)

Astral rolled his eyes.
"No, not crushing her into dust is the least I can do," He countered. "And it's more than she deserves." The trinket was well pass the point of just wanting to cry now, and freaking out. It was hard to describe just how horrible this was for her.


((I am very scared :’) ))

Emile felt terribly for the poor trinket in his hands, he could only imagine how stressed she was. “I really doubt that’s what she deserves.” He snapped. ‘If anyone would deserve that, it’d be you.’ He thought to himself.