forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It was, indeed. Even Astral was a bit surprised by it. Derlik was still ticked, arms crossed and legs folded.
"You're lucky I don't beat you right now," Derlik said, glaring at Astral.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I thought you already had," Astral mumbled under his breath. Derlik scowled, standing up some.
"Oh, really now? Well, then, maybe I should actually do it so you know the difference!!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral held his hands up in defense, shaking his head.
"No thanks!"
"Why not, you let me up here so you could have some action." Derlik was moving to stand, Astral doing the same fo get away.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik hurried around the coffee table, knocking into it with part of his leg and knocking a few of the trinkets down and some even to the floor. He didn't bother putting the souls back, soon chasing after Astral and hurling obscenities at him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral: I need to punish Simon)
(The child: is literally refusing to let go)
(Astral: How am I supposed to do this–)
(The child: You don't)

Some trinkets had a few cracks, but only one had actually broken. It seemed Astral had purposefully made them fragile, for some unknown reason. Every time Emile picked one of the trinkets up, it was much easier to actually tell what they were feeling. Mostly, it was either shock or fear, though a few were angry.
Derlik managed to grab Astral's arm, landing a solid right hook to the other god's face.


(( XD yessssss))
((Jeez the poor kid will be heart broken if they ever hear the full story of what happened))

Emile didn’t dwell too much on how they were feeling, just setting them back on the table, moving them a little further away from the edge. It did make him upset to see the broken one though. He picked up all the broken pieces with a sad sigh. “You poor thing…”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(They will feel, so guilty. Like genuinely, they will blame themself for all of it)

Of course, the trinket was still aware, Astral wouldn't have it any other way. The main thing they were able to feel was pain, though, it radiated off of them. They were scared, too, and unable to do anything about it. They would have cried if they could, but being turned into a trinket took away that small comfort.
Astral and Derlik didn't seem to care, still fighting on the other side of the room.


((The Child: literally about to start crying))
((Simon: oh fuck oh no uhhh don’t cry please it’s okay ;w;))

Emile’s brow crinkled in concern, and he would’ve fixed them if he knew how. He’d try to guilt trip Astral into doing it later if he thought he had a chance of it working. But for right now he just sat there on the floor, holding their broken pieces. “Shhh it’s okay.” He soothed softly, even though he knew he couldn’t make their pain go away.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral's Happy Family ;w;)

Soon enough, Derlik was walking away from Astral. The sun god, he… well, he wasn't doing too good after that beat down. He'd have to heal himself up before he saw Simon again, that was sure. He made his way over, noticing the broken trinket in Emile's hands.
"When that happen?" He asked, sitting back down. He leaned over, picking up a piece of the trinket to examine it.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(no Trauma here folks! qwq)

"I see… Here, let me see them." Derlik held his hands out for the rest of the trinket's pieces, being careful with the one he had.
"Let's see if I can put them back together."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

( :`) )

Derlik couldn't just put his hand over the trinket and pull them back together like Astral, since the trinket wasn't his soul, but he could carefully put their pieces back together and seal the cracks up. He hummed softly, whether out of boredom or to actually calm the soul it was hard to tell.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It did. Their body had been shattered… Derlik continued, going slow. It was like putting a puzzle back together for him. Soon enough, he was putting the last part of the trinket back on, handing them to Emile.
"I'd suggest leaving them somewhere they can't get knocked around until Astral can fix them properly," Derlik said, "If you don't want them to shatter again."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The trinket wasn't in as much pain, but there was still some there, and they weren't doing too good. They were scared, and hurting, and they still wanted to cry so much. Derlik looked down at them a moment, then sighed and moved to the couch.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Emily had no idea how accurate the term 'little one' really was… the trinket was having a hard time calming down. They couldn't breath, literally, and everything they'd ever done to calm had been taken away. It was almost as if it was on purpose.
Derlik frowned some as he watched, shaking his head slowly.