forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Emile was alert almost immediately, recognizing Derlik’s voice. He floated down from the ceiling, his form becoming solid again once he hit the floor. “What are you doing here?” He asked, more confused than anything at the moment.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik looked over when he heard someone question his presence. He blinked a few times, eyes narrowing. He didn't recognize Emile directly, but it was clear he could tell just exactly Emile was associated with.
"What, Alec trying to spy on me or something? Wrong pantheon, bucko." Astral looked between the two, raising an eyebrow.
"You two know each other?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"What, Astral got that Simon kid holed up here?" Derlik had meant it as a joke, not realizing that was exactly what was going on.
"Or are you here for tea and torture with Sunny over here?"
"Derlik if you call me that one more time-" Well, at least they weren't bored anymore.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik actually faltered a bit when Emile tensed.
"Don't tell me…" He looked at Astral. Well, it was more of a glare than anything. "Seriously?! You took the Simon kid?" Derlik made his way over, promptly smacking the ever-loving shit out of Astral.


((Even though it was probably only because he was planning on messing with Simon himself, we stan))

Well that had not been the reaction Emile had been expecting in the slightest. He sort of just stood there for a moment, his eyes wide with surprise. But was he internally cheering Derlik on, hell yes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yaaaaaas lol)
(And genuinely? No, not at all aha)

Anyone trying this would have been dead in a moment, even another god, but Derlik? Unfortunately, Mother had put in fail-safes that certain gods would be stronger than the ones they were paired with, and Derlik was the one who was stronger than Astral. Astral worked his jaw some, surprised himself as the red mark came to his cheek.
"What's it to you?" He asked defensively.
"W- What's wrong?!" Derlik took it as a chance to smack Astral again. "What's wrong is I've seen that kid plenty of times, you should have been able to tell!! He was on my don't fucking touch list!!" Derlik smacked down on Astral's head for good measure, obviously pissed.


((Thank you Derlik we appreciate you ;w;))

Emile basically just stepped to the side, letting Derlik do his thing. Even he wasn’t exactly sure why Derlik was this upset over it. Why Derlik tried to make sure the other gods wouldn’t bother Simon was honestly beyond him. When it seemed like the god was finished, at least for the moment, he spoke. “Thank you.” He said simply, not wanting to say too much until he knew all of Derlik’s motives.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral sure as hell had no idea why Derlik reacted so viscerally either. He rubbed the back of his head, a handprint on each cheek clear as day.
Derlik just grunted in reply to Emile, looking over.
"If there's one thing having my son has taught me, it's that you don't fuck with someone's kid." Derlik looked back at Astral, getting one last solid smack in before looking like he was actually done.
"Asshat…" Astral blinked a few times after being knocked around, trying to get his eyes to focus.


Emile nodded mutely in agreement. While Alec and Derlik had had a lot of dumb fights over the millennia, they’d never gotten the kids involved, or at least never in any serious way. It was almost an unspoken rule. But how could Astral have known. Not like Emile was defending him, he most definitely wasn’t. But on paper, Simon had no one. There was no way of knowing that the man actually had two parents that loved him very much, even though they couldn’t see him often.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik was still bristling, obviously not liking what had happened.
"How… is he doing?" Derlik looked to Emile, ignoring Astral. Right now, if Astral spoke, he'd probably get his ass handed to him.
"Any idea what Astral's done with him?" The god found himself looking around at the trinkets, and even at the leopard on Astral's lap.


“I-“ Emile shook his head sadly. “He’s…he’s not doing very well.” He had to pause a moment for the second question. He knew enough to know that demigod children were against the rules of their pantheon. “Exactly what you’d expect him to do.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik scowled, shaking his head. He looked at Astral, ready to murder him then and there. He knew exactly what the sun god liked to do with anyone he could.
"Where is he now?" He asked, looking at Astral as he directed the question at Emile. "He hasn't- done that yet, has he?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik shook his head, this time looking like he was going to control himself. He didn't, though, landing a blow from his fist right on Astral's nose. The god was jerked back by the action, his golden blood dripping out. He didn't really know how to react to this. This… didn't happen.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral's head rolled a bit before he managed to put it up again, blinking back tears from the blow. He rubbed at the blood flowing out, looking at Derlik like he was crazy but flinching back a bit when he saw the threatening look in his eyes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik nodded some, still keeping an eye on Astral.
"If he ever mistreats Simon again, let me know and I'll straighten this little shit up," Derlik assured. He wasn't above starting a war for this. If they made a big enough fuss, Mother might even get involved and get Simon out of here.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


It would also be a very, very big issue if Simon refused to leave the child behind, and accidentally revealed them to Mother. It wouldn't be the kind of problem they would expect, but it would still be a very big one.
Astral was composing himself, still confused as to what had happened. He looked between the two, blinking some.
"How- how do you two even know each other??"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Mm…" Astral shook his head a bit, moving the leopard off his lap to go deal with his most likely broken nose. He had calmed, and didn't seem in much pain from it, but it was annoying. Derlik rolled his shoulder as Astral passed, sorely tempted to still beat the ever-living shit out of him.
"This is bullshit," the god mumbled under his breath, looking at Emile. "I'm so sorry this happened."


“Yeah…me too. Alec’s pissed over it, of course. But there’s really nothing we can do. I just came to check on Simon and now Astral’s not letting me leave.” He explained, glad he could actually have someone to rant to about all this.