forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia was quick to sleep as well, relaxed with Simon.

Astral moved to sit on the couch again, surprised to see the leopard coming into the room.
"Did Simon kick you out?" He mused, offering his hand to the leopard. The big cat rubbed against the offered hand, moving into the god's lap.


Emile had sort of been wandering around the palace on his own for the most part, at some point he’d grown tired of walking and turned himself back into spirit form, floating through the halls. He eventually floated his way back to the living room, seeing Astral there. “Oh hey.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral looked up, nodding some to Emile.
"Hey." He fell quiet for a moment, petting the leopard. "I accidentally came across Simon and Mia, just a bit earlier. I was looking for this girl for her feeding, and she was tucked up against Simon as he read in the library. He seems to be doing good, at least."


“Well I’m glad he seems to be doing alright.” Emile smiled softly. “He must’ve liked having her around. She’s probably just like a big house cat to him.” He laughed quietly. Emile wasn’t too much different around animals honestly, Alec had gotten him a hellhound that Emile spoils rotten.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Even sadder when Serna has to explain that she isn't able to destroy souls and she's just hugging him and trying to help a little bit before sending him back into pain)
(She doesn't really have to deal with Astral or Derlik's souls, and it's obviously tearing her up to have to send Simon back over and over)

"It did look like that to me. He seemed to be enjoying the fact she came so easily to him." That was Astral's doing, of course. He'd had a little talk with the leopard to make sure she'd behave herself around Simon, treat him right. The god gently scratched behind her ears, letting out a breath.


((Damn yeah that’s gonna be so sad. Poor babies :())
((Maybe Astral will actually learn how much he’s hurting Simon before it’s too late but it’s doubtful))

Emile nodded, at this point having floated to sitting upside down on the ceiling. “Yes that would definitely make him happy.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(One time Serna and Simon are waiting for Astral to come pick Simon up but he doesn't. Simon ends up staying with Serna for that life before Astral finally comes back and is like 'feeling better?')
(And Simon's just like 'fuck you')

Astral glanced up at Emile, then back down to the cat. He was thinking of something, but he wasn't about to mention his scheming to the other.


((Simon who’d been stressing out the entire lifetime over when Astral would come back))

Emile noticed Astral looking but of course he didn’t say anything either. Until the god would let on to what he was planning, Emile wouldn’t think about it.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Simon: Where have you been)
(Astral, who doesn't realize Simon still pretty much hates him: I figured you could use a break for a bit!)

This was a plan he wasn't going to tell Emile about, at all. He'd find out afterward, if Astral ever managed to go through with it.
It'd be hard not to, with a leopard trying to pretend to be him so he could get Simon cuddles.


((Simon, who definitely would’ve been able to actually relax instead of panicking like every day: ….WELL WHY DIDNT YOU JUST TELL ME THAT?!))

It’d definitely be something that would annoy Emile if he found out. But it was likely he wouldn’t. And even if he did….well with Astral he knew he had to pick his battles.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral: Well, I thought it could be a surprise!)
(Serna, to herself: Oh my god he really is an idiot…)

Astral didn't plan on doing anything else, of course. He just… wanted to switch places with the leopard the next time. He'd be careful to make sure Simon didn't find out, either.


((Simon, approximately 0.2 seconds away from snapping his own neck: wtf….))

Yeah it wouldn’t really do any damage to anyone involved, Simon really would be none the wiser. But it’s gonna be another one of those things for Simon to add to his list of ‘weird things Astral has done’ if he finds out. And you know, it’d also ruin snuggling with the leopard for Simon.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral, Realizing: I fucked up again didn't I-)

That just meant Astral would have to be extra careful! He knew how to act like a leopard, so it shouldn't be too hard to keep Simon in the dark. Astral hummed softly as he pet the big cat, looking content with his plans.


((Simon, absolutely done with this BS: yes…yes you did….))

Emile had no idea what Astral was planning and he didn’t really care. He was just vibing on the ceiling, messing with his bangs.

((Also I forgot to mention this in Emile’s earlier character description but he has what looks like a massive band of rope burn around his neck.))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral's gonna feel bad and let Simon stay for another lifetime. perhaps Serna manages to get Simon some time with Evan?)

Astral hummed some, leaning back on the couch. The leopard took it as a chance to move and be draped over his chest, tail flicking.



((Aw that’d be nice))

Emile was just sort of spacing out, thinking about how everyone was doing back home. He did miss Alec but it was also good to have some space. Even though he was being held against his will, that put a slight damper on the mood.

((I mean that’s how he was executed-))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Until Astral comes back at the end and Simon hates him even more as he takes him away)

Astral let out another breath, closing his eyes. He was still a bit… confused, by this all, but he was making it work.
He was getting good at hiding things from Emile, like the trinket he was toying with in the palm of his hand.
Sneaky boy.


((yeahhhhhhh. Then he’s just gonna start asking Astral to kill him))

Emile hadn’t noticed. How could he? He definitely wouldn’t like it if he did notice. He already hated that Simon was stuck with this idiot.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Simon: Please just kill me)
(Astral: Ahaha no.)

Astral was having fun, hiding these things from Emile. If he could him, then he could Simon, and then he wouldn't have to change everything! A win-win situation…