forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia giggled softly as Simon laid his head back down, still smiling. She was comfortable too, and wouldn't mind staying there for a while.
Then, of course, her stomach rumbled.

(So will I, but this is our own faults ;-;)


He shrugged. “Sure why not!” He didn’t mind getting up. He wasn’t sure if he’d actually eat though.

((Same ;-; even if they do work through it all eventually, it won’t be the same as what they could’ve been))


“Shit I forgot I had a lap partner.” He began the slow process of trying to stand up without bothering the sleeping leopard on his lap too much.

((Yeah ;-;))
((My brain keeps making headcanons of what they’d be like without all the angst lol))
((a very tired Simon forcing Astral to stay in bed because he wants more snuggles))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral just settles down again and kisses Simon's head because who is he to object to more snuggles?)

(He diiiid but it's okay lol)

Mia chuckled faintly. The leopard just yawned, opening their eyes slightly before shifting to not be laying on Simon anymore.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral just kisses Simon gently and wraps around like 'Love you goofball' and just- hn. so cute)

"Okay," Mia said, smiling some in turn. She led the way out of the library, back towards the kitchen.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(It would be, but while we'll be able to get close to it we'll never really have it ;-;)(Unless we did an au—

The way wasn't very complicated, thankfully, with only one or two turns. Mia opened the kitchen door, stepping in with a soft sigh.
"Do you think you'll want anything?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(we should do the au)

"Okay, then." Mia offered a smile, hugging Simon before turning to go start making something. They weren't to the point yet, though they probably should have been, where Mia was pushing Simon to eat more for the baby. They needed the nutrients to survive, after all…


((yes please I have no self control))

Simon knew he needed to be eating more, based off of how little energy he had alone. It wasn’t obvious since they never did too much but still, he could feel it. He’d try to eat, today wasn’t one of his bad days so it should be easy.


((I’m fine with either tbh))

Simon had sat himself down at the counter, his cheek resting on the cool surface as he watched Mia cook. At seeing her smile, he was quick to flash one of his own, a quick reassurance that he was okay.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(public so stalkers can enjoy the fluffiness to come?)

Mia did seem relieved by the smile, turning back to the pan. After a bit, she had two grilled cheese sandwiches done, carrying Simon's over for him.
"How does this look?"


((yeahhhh that’s what I was thinking lol))

Simon sat up, smiling at her again. “It looks perfect. Thanks for making it for me.” He wanted to help out more but he was having trouble being up on his feet for long periods of time.